Friday, October 1, 2010

A Call to Action Against Bullying and Harrassment of Gay Youth

The recent suicides of five of LGBT youth this week is cause for grave concern. Integrity USA joins other LGBT advocacy groups to demand national action be taken to address bullying, harassment and the need for safety and inclusion for LGBT youth at schools, churches, colleges and universities across the country.

We challenge our clergy in the Episcopal Church to take to their pulpits this Sunday to speak out against all forms of bullying and the systemic homophobia behind it. We need to be reminded, over and over again, of the promise of our baptismal covenant: to respect the dignity of every human being.

We challenge the people in our church pews and in our communities to speak out whenever our young gay brothers and sisters are attacked. Statistics show that 9 out of 10 gay youth have been bullied and sadly, too often it goes unreported. It is time that we reclaim the rights of our young people to be safe in the context of who they are.

We challenge our politicians and government leaders to pass legislation to end any existing discriminatory laws or policies against the LGBT community.

We challenge each other to always be the face and hands of God in the world to spread love and acceptance.

Let us, one and all, unite to take action immediately so that no more gay youth see suicide as their only option.

We must not let these tragic deaths go unnoticed.

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