Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Integrity President David Norgard's Letter to Members

13 October 2010

Dear Members & Friends:

Just back from Orlando, Florida, I write to report to you on the semi-annual board meeting which took place there in conjunction with the Believe Out Loud Power Summit. Over all, the meeting was extraordinarily productive and I want to commend all of my colleagues for their efforts on behalf of this ministry we share with you.

With the appointment of our first permanent Executive Director, Max Niedzwiecki, just two months ago, we concentrated on how we can serve the organization most effectively, both in our several individual roles and in our collective role as the Board of Directors. In these discussions we were guided by nonprofit management consultant Michela Perrone, who helped us design a working partnership with our new E.D. around all facets of our organizational life: program, development, administration, and governance. We are excited by the mutual ministry we envision and are already underway with making it a reality.

Of course, questions of structure serve the deeper question of mission – what is it that we are organized to do? – and on this question too we reflected deeply. There will be much more detail to share in the weeks and months ahead; however, I want to share our basic understandings and agreements without delay. First, we remain committed to working in and with the Episcopal Church to bring about the day when all the sacraments will be made available to all the baptized – in every province, in every diocese, in every parish and mission. Secondly, we recognize and commit to working with and through the church to advance LGBT moral and legal equality in the civic sphere. In short, we commit to “believing out loud.” And finally, we remain committed to engaging in international alliances wherever our involvement is welcomed and where we believe our participation can contribute significantly toward positive outcomes.

In addition to the board retreat, the Stakeholders’ Council held its annual meeting, and as I mentioned, our Integrity gatherings were just part of an even larger gathering of people and organizations from across the spectrum of the welcoming church movement. I leave it to Max and the Rev. Susan McCann, the Council’s Chair, to report on these other vital proceedings. Nevertheless, on a personal note, I must say that I always feel blessed when I have opportunity to be in the profoundly good company of the wider fellowship of Integrity leaders. My personal thanks go to the Provincial Coordinators and Diocesan Organizers who represent Integrity so capably day in and day out across the whole breadth of our church.

In closing, I hope you will join me and my colleagues on the board in recommitting to the sacred, noble, challenging, inspiring work that is our mission. And in doing so, I invite you to renew your membership in Integrity at as generous a level as you are able for the truth is…we are all partners in this ministry.



The Rev. David Norgard
President, Integrity USA

1 comment:

  1. It was great to meet everyone and put names to faces. The energy at the conference was amazing.


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