Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bishop Gene Robinson Announces January 2013 Retirement Date

In his address at today's New Hampshire's diocesan convention, Bishop Gene Robinson announced he would retire as the 9th Bishop of New Hampshire in January 2013, saying:

"I wanted to make this announcement to you in person. While I might have delayed this announcement a few more months, I could not imagine doing so by letter. I have been in the Diocese of NewHampshire 35 years, the last 24 of which have been in a diocesan position. Our time together has always focused on "relationship," and I could not imagine changing this relationship without telling you so personally."

The full text of Bishop Robinson's address is available on the diocesan website.

"I make this announcement with nothing but praise and thanksgiving to God for having the privilege of serving you. While I know that I have not been God's perfect servant during this time, I will leave in early 2013 knowing that I have given this ministry my best efforts. YOU are, and will continue to be, the reason I have not only survived, but thrived, during this tumultuous time in the wider Church. New Hampshire is always the place I remain, simply, "the Bishop." This is the one place on earth where I am not "the gay Bishop."

Integrity joins with the Diocese of New Hampshire in celebrating the work and witness of Bishop Gene Robinson as we enter a time that is arguably the beginning-of-the-end-of-an-era. And we look forward to moving more fully into God's future, to a time when all the baptized are fully included in the Body of Christ!

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