Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Integrity President David Norgard on the Resignation of Bishop Gene Robinson

It is with respect and affection that we receive and acknowledge the announcement of the retirement of the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire in 2012. Bishop Robinson has been a true pioneer in the Episcopal Church and deserves both our admiration and our profound thanks for walking a path no one has taken before with courage and perseverance. As a gay man, as a priest of this Church, and as President of Integrity USA, I have been deeply honored to know him personally. More importantly however, his ministry has set an example that has inspired, comforted, and challenged more people of good will than he or any of us will likely ever be able to accurately estimate.

Throughout his entire episcopate and even before – stretching back to the intensely contested confirmation of his election at General Convention in 2003 – he has conducted himself toward supporters and detractors alike in a manner that can only be described as “consistently gracious engagement.” Unflagging in his chief am to preach the Gospel of a God who loves us all, he neither sought controversy nor shirked it for his own sake but has walked the path of a servant of the Gospel with unflagging devotion and diligence.

We at Integrity give thanks to the people of the Diocese of New Hampshire for sharing the ministry of this singular figure so generously with all of us over the past seven years and we again commend them for taking the bold and wise step they did when first electing him. As for the bishop, we pray for and wish him the best along whatever new path his journey of faith takes him, knowing full well that, as the Psalm says, “no good thing will God withhold from those who walk with integrity.” --The Rev, David Norgard

Our friend and colleague, Gene Robinson, the Bishop of New Hampshire, has and will continue to have great meaning to those of us in Integrity. If you'd like to send in thoughts or reflections on what his ministry has meant to you, we'll be happy to post your comments. Send them to Louise Brooks at

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