Thursday, December 9, 2010

Integrity USA calls on President Obama to end DADT.

Integrity USA is deeply disappointed the US Senate's procedural vote which killed a defense bill that would repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell.” We now call upon our President to take action to end this appalling policy.

“We lost by just three votes and this is a dark day for America,” said Max Niedzwiecki, Executive Director of Integrity USA.. As most American service members have said, as military leaders have said, and as our President, the Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces, has said, there is no reason to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation.

"Yet, once again, homophobia trumps inclusion. A recent pentagon survey showed that a majority of those who serve in the military are in favor of eliminating DADT. The U.S. Senate has a lot to learn from our troops. In a country that values liberty and justice for all, there is no justification for such blatant discrimination in our military or in our country”.

The Rev. Susan McCann, an Integrity Board Member, a straight ally, and the rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Liberty, Missouri said, “The basis behind this discrimination comes largely from the religious community. And the antidote to the religious right is the truth, which will set us free. And the truth is that we must respect the dignity of every human being. The truth is that no chaplain will be forced to minister to a gay in the military if he or she doesn’t want to do so.

McCann continued, “President Obama has said there is no compelling reason to maintain the DADT policy. It is now up to him to end DADT. I call on all Integrity members and their supporters, my fellow clergy and faith leaders and all those who believe that discrimination is wrong, to call or write the President Obama today and implore him to do the right thing. Please take action today.”

To write the President:
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC, 20500

Or, call the main White House switchboard:

Or the White House comment line:

1 comment:

  1. I am a gay and Episcopalian male who served in the US Armed Forces 31 years ago. I am honorable discharged. I was also "kicked out" because of being gay but that isn't what the discharge states -- unable to adapt to military life which I usually given in the first 6 months but I had been in for about 2 years. I am proud of the time that I spent in the military. I am also proud of the 30 years that my partner and I have been together -- if I had never been let go from the military I would have never meet him.

    Since I have been through discrimination in the military, I would like to with repealing of "Don't ask, don't tell", what safeguards are in place that all current gay and lesbians serving in the military would not be immediately discharged? I remember 31 years ago like it was yesterday when all it took was an accusation that you were homosexual and they tossed you out like a hot potato.

    I am very sorry that I disagree with the Rev. Susan McCann. This was not put in place by the religious community. President Bill Clinton put DADT in place to try to end discrimination in the military -- i.e. kick someone out because they are homosexual.

    By repealing DADT, there will be no safe guards for the GLBT community in the military. Some Generals will have a hay day kicking out all they perceive to be homosexual. There has to be safeguards in place for those who currently serve when you are trying to repeal the only safeguard that is available.

    IMHO repealing DADT will lead to more discrimination then that already exists. There has to be a change of mindset in the upper echelon of the military before discrimination ends and GLBT's will be allowed to serve openly. Until then I will support "Don't Ask, Don't" as I believe that it is the least discriminatory from my experiences in the military.

    Thank you,


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