Monday, January 24, 2011

Bishop Of Virginia Calls for Same Sex Unions

Statement by the Rt.Rev. Shannon Johnston in his 2011 Pastoral Address -- which included the call for the election of a Bishop Suffragan (in April 2012) -- on the blessing of same-gender unions:

You may remember that I have always affirmed that committed, monogamous same-gender relationships can indeed be faithful in the Christian life. Therefore, I plan also to begin working immediately with those congregations that want to establish the parameters for the “generous pastoral response” that the 2009 General Convention called for with respect to same-gender couples in Episcopal churches.

Personally, it is my hope that the 2012 General Convention will authorize the formal blessing of same-gender unions for those clergy in places that want to celebrate them. Until then, we might not be able to do all that we would want to do but, in my judgment, it is right to do something and it is time to do what we can.

To thank Bishop Johnson for taking this stand email him at

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