Tuesday, January 25, 2011



A discriminatory bill that would prevent Wyoming from recognizing same-sex marriages and civil unions performed out of state cleared its final hurdle Monday in the Wyoming House of Representatives and is headed to the State Senate tomorrow.

Here's an urgent message from our friend, Will Welch, who's working hard on our community's behalf to represent our interests before the Legislature. Please heed Will's plea! SJ 005 is before the Senate now and senators will vote on it again tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. Send a quick note NOW!

These are the Senators we want to vote against SJ 5 which would put on the ballot next election a proposal to AMEND THE WY CONSTITUTION to define marriage as between a man and a woman and EXPLICITLY deny recognition of civil unions. We need three of them.

- Sen. Tony Ross/Cheyenne -- tross@wyoming.com 307-632-8960
- Sen. Phil Nicholas / Laramie -- nicholas@wyolegal.com 307-742-7140
- Sen. Leland Christensen / Alta -- lchristensen@wyoming.com 307-353-8204
- Sen.John Schiffer / Kaycee -- jschiffe@wyoming.com 307-738-2232
- Sen. John Hines / Gillette -- jhines@wyoming.com 307-682-3943
- Sen. Bill Landen / Casper -- blanden@bresnan.net 307-237-4067
- Sen. Wayne Johnson / Cheyenne -- wajohnsonsd6@yahoo.com 307-635-2181
- Sen. Charles Scott / Casper -- charlesscott@wyoming.com 307-473-2512

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