Sunday, January 30, 2011

Presiding Bishop prays David Kato's work continues

Today our Presiding Bishop gave a sermon at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland. She is there attending a meeting of Anglican primates.IShe challenged us all "to show up and heal the world."

She said that the world  "needs the participation and leadership of all parts of the body of Christ. It starts with urgent voices, and changed hearts, our own conversion, and our challenge to systems that perpetuate all kinds of sickness and death around the world."

The healing of the world needs the participation and leadership of all parts of the body of Christ.  It starts with urgent voices, and changed hearts, our own conversion, and our challenge to systems that perpetuate all kinds of sickness and death around the world. 

Jefferts Schori also noted the brutal murder of Ugandan gay rights activist David Kato.

"An Anglican was murdered in Uganda this week, a man who has been a strong voice for the basic human rights of gay and lesbian people.  His voice has been silenced.  We can pray that others will continue that work, or be challenged by the brutality of his death into some conversion of heart.  Will we challenge the world to respect the dignity of every single human being?"

To see a video of her entire sermon click here.

Integrity USA is committed to the recognition that we are all interconnected in this world and we accept the challenge of our Presiding Bishop to "show up and heal the world" in our collective work as an advocacy organization and as individual members of the body of Christ.

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