Thursday, January 27, 2011

Statement on David Kato & Call to Action

Integrity USA statement on the murder of David Kato

Integrity USA is deeply saddened by the murder of David Kato but we are not surprised. The homophobic atmosphere that prevails in Uganda today where draconian laws are proposed, calling for death and inprisonment of homosexuals, and where a so-called magazine can call for the killing of "homos," has created a climate that was sure provoke violence. All the while, the church has remained silent. It has failed to speak out on behalf of the voiceless victims of homophobia in Uganda and across the Communion. It's time the Archbishop of Canterbury speaks out. We call on all our brothers and sisters in faith --from Canterbury to Kampala to Kalamazoo --to join us and take a stand on behalf of "the least of these". Silence equals death.

"Enough is enough," said Max Niedzwiecki, Executive Director of Integrity USA. "In Uganda and around the world, our brothers and sisters in the Anglican Communion and other churches must insist that all people are treated with decency. All people are members of the human family, and loved by God. David Kato's murder is a wake-up call. Now is the time for church leaders to proclaim that there is no excuse for killing a person simply for being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Christianity - and the Anglican Communion in particular - must be a force for good in the world, and Integrity calls on all Christian leaders to speak out for peace and justice in the face of violence and hatred."


Last year our members signed on to a Facebook page calling for the Archbishop of Canterbury to speak out against the activities in Uganda. Imagine how things might be different if he had.

Here's a link to that page.

The time is come to ask again. In a stronger more pointed way. Lives are at stake. Our dear beloved Bishop Christopher Senyonjo was on the list of "homos" to be hanged. Make your voice heard about the need for the church to speak out. Send an email to the Archbiship of Canterbury at: and CC us at Integrity by inserting

Here is a sample email:

Dear Archbishop Williams:

I am writing to respectfully request that you use your influence with leaders of the Anglican Communion and and specifically the Anglican Church of Uganda and urge them to proclaim the following statement:

All people are beloved children of God. While we acknowledge that we are not of one mind on issues of human sexuality and gender identity, we state unequivocally that it is absolutely unacceptable for a person to be persecuted or murdered because he or she is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), or because a person speaks out in favor of people who are LGBT. Violence that is perpetrated against people simply because they are "different" is against the basic principles of Christianity, and a grave sin.


Your name & contact info

Take action today!!

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