Thursday, October 2, 2014

Integrity USA Election - Statement of Candidate Matt Haines

A special election for the office of President of the Board of Directors for Integrity USA will be held 8am EDT Monday October 6 - 11pm EDT Wednesday October 8. This position as President of the Board of Directors will serve out the current term, which concludes on October 1, 2015. All eligible to vote in this special election, as described in the bylaws, will be contacted directly on how to vote.

The following is the statement by Matt Haines, candidate for the Presidency of the Board of Directors for Integrity USA.

We are called to strive for full inclusion with renewed focus. Forty years after our founding, our mandate is still just as valid. Marriage rites still need to be made equal canonically. We have passed  many resolutions preventing discrimination; however some dioceses are ‘late adopters’ and need our help. While many of our congregations welcome openly gay and lesbian parishioners, transgender seekers may not yet experience the same hospitality. Bisexual Christians still wait in the wings as this Church works slowly toward true inclusion. We have so much work to do!

Integrity is in a time of great renewal and facing exciting opportunities. Integrity is poised to fully enact its updated strategic plan which was the fruit of membership collaboration. I have been blessed to be part of that process and would value a chance to help lead it forward!

Integrity needs your grassroots efforts and further collaboration! Let’s work together as servant-leaders to update and renew our valuable ministry. This is a crucial time for the Board of Directors. We have bylaws to update, a dynamic Development Plan to activate, a General Convention presence to plan, and other engaging efforts to lead.

I can continue that work without a steep learning curve. I am ready to serve now!

As a lay person, Integrity is my primary ministry. While my career as a construction field manager is rewarding, nothing gives me more joy than serving The Episcopal Church in this way. The legacy of Integrity’s constant work created a Church which was able to welcome me. I am very grateful and want to make sure others receive such radical hospitality.

Our common work brings me joy and a sense of grateful wonder! Below are some of the exciting ways I have been able to serve Integrity, the Church and our community.

Integrity Vice President for Local Affairs:
  • Collaborated on the new Strategic Plan
  • Worked on successful grants requests
  • Search committee for Executive Director
  • General Convention Core team leader for ally and member outreach 
  • Re-designed Believe Out Loud Curriculum
  • Supported and coached volunteers: local, diocesan, provincial and national Coordinators
  • P3 and Believe Out Loud recruitment and outreach
Integrity Province 8 Coordinator
  • Recruited, coached, and supported Diocesan Organizers
  • Development team for Believe Out Loud curriculum and support materials
  • Trained hundreds of members through Believe Out Loud program
  • General Convention core team tracking legislation
Integrity Diocesan Organizer
  • Rebuilt Portland Oregon Chapter and Recruited local leaders 
  • Organized Integrity sponsored convention efforts
  • Passed LGBTQ positive resolutions
  • Successfully engaged rural and suburban congregations
Lead Facilitator: Rainbow Youth, Salem Oregon (LGBTQ Youth Outreach)
  • Ex-officio member of Board of Directors
  • Mentored and supported LGBTQ youth for 8 years
  • Fundraising and community liaison
  • Provided youth leadership and volunteer training 
Diocesan and Parish level
  • LEM, Reader, choir, and liturgical co-planner
  • Volunteer Youth Minister
  • Stewardship Coordinator
  • Diocesan Convention delegate and Convocation Representative
  • Bishop Search Walkabout facilitator
Thank you for considering me as you discern who can best lead our beloved ministry forward.

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