Saturday, February 28, 2015

Farewell to the Rev. Canon Malcolm Boyd (1923-2015)

Malcolm Boyd, 1969
Integrity USA mourns the loss of the Reverend Canon Malcolm Boyd (1923-2015).  Canon Boyd, author of several spiritual books, shared his interactive relationship with God with millions of people. It could be said that his down to Earth poetic voice enables a generation a way to understand their journey with God.  In fact, his voice has enabled several generations a way to communicate the grace of God. 
Malcolm Boyd was already beloved as a symbol of faithful seeking when he became one of the first Episcopal priests to come out of the closet.  His risk was our gain.  Malcolm Boyd showed LGBTQ Christians that honesty of life within the church can bring blessing and growth.  He never ceased to share his special gifts with us; a true exemplar of Christ.

We mourn especially with his spouse Mark Thompson, his family and especially his diocesan family at this time.  As a Canon and writer-in- residence for the Diocese of Los Angeles, his reassuring presence will surely be missed.  The world has been blessed for 91 years with the talented, loving voice and presence of Canon Boyd.  The Church has been blessed by 60 years of priesthood. 
The title of Malcolm Boyd’s groundbreaking book, “My Book of Prayers—Are you running with me, Jesus?", posed an important rhetorical question.  We have faith that Malcolm Boyd has found out the answer and is running with Jesus even as we mourn.  Rise in Glory, Malcolm! 

1 comment:

  1. Canon Boyd's book "Are You Running With Me Jesus" was an instrument that brought me into the Episcopal Church over 40 years ago. Learning about his life in subsequent years helped ease my fears of rejection by the Church when it came time for me to begin my own coming out. I ever so briefly was in his presence two years ago at our Diocesan convention and now wish I had had real time to tell him the impact he had on one aging Trans* woman who was a delegate to that convention for her first time then. He will Evermore be running joyously with Our Lord..


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