Saturday, June 27, 2015

Congratulations to the Presiding Bishop-Elect Rt. Rev. Michael Curry

IntegrityUSA applauds the wisdom of the House of Bishops in their election of the Rt. Rev. Michael Curry as the Presiding Bishop-elect of the Episcopal Church, and the House of Deputies in their wisdom in confirming the election.  Bishop Curry has a long-standing history of supporting LGBT Episcopalians, and specifically of supporting IntegrityUSA in our efforts at making the Episcopal Church a beacon of love, justice, and compassion, where ALL people are equally embraced and empowered.  Most recently IntegrityUSA has collaborated with Bishop Curry as we began our 40th anniversary celebration in the Diocese of North Carolina last November with the now-Presiding Bishop-elect preaching a rousing and inspiring sermon renewing us all in our call to compassion and mission.  We are eager to continue working with Presiding Bishop-elect Curry as he answers this call to renewed ministry serving the wider church.  The Episcopal Church now has a record going back to Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning of electing talented and thoughtful leaders who have joined IntegrityUSA in our mission and ministry.  We are delighted that we will have in the 27th Presiding Bishop another advocate as strong, as faithful, and as steadfast as Presiding Bishop-elect Curry.


  1. Repeatedly I asked Bishop Curry to allow his name to go before a nominating committee for Presiding Bishop and repeatedly he turned me down.

    The first time he replied, "I have much work to do in North Carolina, and it needs to be done well if I am to fulfill my commitments."

    The second time he said, "I have children and a good father needs to be present for all the important things they do every week. A good Presiding Bishop needs to be present in all the dioceses and countries of the Episcopal Church."

    Our Presiding Bishop-Elect has his priorities in good order and will serve us diligently in the next nine years. Love him well right now because he loves Jesus — yes, yes, he loves Jesus more than most people I have ever known.

    Caveat: He will ask much of us because he cannot do alone the huge amount of work that needs doing. We must not grow wearing in well doing.

    Celebrate, but also get ready.

  2. LouieCrew - that is an excellent post! And you ended it perfectly - "Celebrate, but also get ready." Amen. Amen.


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