Friday, September 25, 2015

Pride and Welcome in the Desert

Last weekend the parish of Christ Church, Las Vegas welcomed Integrity President Matt Haines to be a part of their weekend of LGBTQ Pride.  Activities began by  marching as a church through Downtown Las Vegas Friday September 17th.  Saturday Christ Church rector, The Rev. Dr. J. Barry Vaughn hosted a reception bringing together key parish leaders and LGBT members to discuss further intentional welcome.  Events culminated Sunday with a dynamic "Rector's Forum" focused on how to build radical welcome after marriage equality and of course Eucharist where Matt Haines preached on welcoming powerlessness.  To hear or read the sermon click here.

1 comment:

  1. Today I used the liturgy provided on your website to unite a couple in marriage without a legal certificate. They wanted to have a God-filled recognition of their union prior to getting a marriage license when they move to another state. I cannot thank you enough for providing the words and liturgy. It was a moving celebration. This was a heterosexual bonding but the words in your liturgy were a perfect fit.

    I am a certified lay speaker in a major denomination (and former Lay Pastor for 3 years) and have conducted numerous blessing ceremonies after legal marriages in civil proceedings, but this was the first time to wed a couple in Christ prior to them getting legal married status. Thank you again for this wonderful resource.

    In Christ....


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