Friday, March 9, 2018

The Good, the Bad, and the Need for Leadership

The Good

A transgender Muslim woman came out in the media in Atlanta this week. She had been hiding and was no longer willing to keep up that charade.  She and her husband were married in a local mosque. Her full story is in the link below.  Let me just say that it took serious guts to do that in Georgia.  Politicians are not fond of Muslims to begin with and even less fond of queer Muslims.

The Bad

The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development has announced that there will no longer be any attempts to secure safe communities, reversing years of progress.  He states that he didn’t depend on the government when he was growing.  Yet with a straight face he also states that they had food stamps, welfare and Section 8 housing.  Did he read that after he wrote it? Who finances those programs except the government?

The Need for Leadership

I suspect you  thought I was referring to state and national leadership.  Of course there is indeed a need for leadership at those levels.  However, I was referring to Leadership within Integrity USA.  We have a strong need for people to lead at the Provincial and National Levels.

Elections will be held between now and General Convention to elect the following:  Provincial Coordinators for all eight Provinces; a Vice President for National Affairs; a Vice President for Local affairs; a Treasurer; a Secretary/Communications Director; a Chair for the Leadership Council; and a President. The three year term starts October 1 after General Convention; the election is in the spring and the results announced before General Convention. The time in between is used for transition between the current Board of Directors and the new Board.

I will not be putting my name forth for President. While it has been a rare privilege to serve Integrity USA as its President twice and 25 years apart, it is time for a change in leadership.  The next President needs more energy than I have these days and certainly more stamina.  So it is time for me to step aside and allow someone with these traits to take on this role.

I invite you to pray, meditate and ponder how you might serve this organization.  When calls for nominations come out, please submit your name. If you would like to serve on the nominating committee, we need representatives from Provinces I - III and V - VII.  Send me your name if you are willing to serve on this committee: Email

I will not say goodbye now, but know that this has been a sincere privilege to serve you.

Bruce Garner, President
Integrity USA ... The Episcopal Rainbow

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