Thursday, July 31, 2008 Today's "Comment is free" column
The work the bishops are doing here at Lambeth Conference is, I believe, bearing genuine fruit of respect for difference and commitment to walk together -- over the objections of the schismatic minority still lobbying for "resolution." Our job is to keep reminding all of them of their high calling as bishops in the church of God to pastor all the people ... not just some of them.
A flock abandoned -- Susan Russell, Thursday July 31 2008
It would be a sinful thing if Anglican church leaders walked away from the gay and lesbian baptised
As the Lambeth conference proceeds in Canterbury, gay and lesbian Anglicans find themselves, once again, on the communion chopping block. It is a sad thing indeed that the message sent out from the Anglican communion to the world is that homosexuals getting married in California are of more concern to the church than are homosexuals being mugged in Nigeria. It is an even sadder thing that bishops who have taken vows to be shepherds to their whole flock seem willing to consider sacrificing their gay and lesbian followers at the altar of institutional unity.
We recognise that the Anglican communion is involved in a long-term process of discernment and dialogue on issues of human sexuality and we are committed to being part of that process. Sadly, what the Windsor Continuation Group furthered in its report released on July 28 was the process of institutionalising bigotry and marginalising the gay and lesbian baptised. Acceptance of these recommendations would be totally antithetical to the core message of the Christian gospel.
The American and Canadian churches have never maintained that they hold anything other than a minority opinion on the full inclusion of the gay and lesbian baptised in the life and witness of the church. "Blessed are you who have complied with the will of the majority to exclude the minority" is to be found nowhere in the Bible. Rather, the gospel of Jesus is one of love, inclusion and "doing unto the least of these."
The Windsor Continuation Group has presented the bishops with nothing less than a "Sophie's choice" – telling them to choose between walking with brother and sister Anglicans who disagree with them on issues of human sexuality or walking with their brother and sister Anglicans who happen to be gay or lesbian.
It is time for the bishops to step up and say that gay and lesbian Anglicans are not for sale as bargaining chips in this game of global church politics – that the sacrifice of their lives and vocations in this church is too high a price to pay for institutional unity.
For at the end of the day, there is an ontological difference between feeling excluded because you're disagreed with and being excluded because of who you are. Brother and sister Anglicans walking away from the table because they've been disagreed with is a painful thing. The church walking away from the gay and lesbian baptised is a sinful thing.
Indaba On Human Sexuality
Daily Account:
The topic for today was The
The Bible Study focused on John 13: 31- 14: " I am the way, and the truth, and the life. "
The Bible Study groups appear to have bonded together and we have appreciated the opportunity for sharing. The Bible Study groups are greatly diverse and we have developed a sense of trust and love in each other.
We saw a video and then entered into our Indaba group. The video focused on concerns that people share around the globe and we were able to express our feelings freely. Many, however, noticed that in the video, there was no indication of the speaker’s sexual orientation.
In the Indaba groups, we are being the people of God, who love others in the name of our Lord. We are about building bridges.
In many groups, the issues of sexuality have been discussed, and as a result we experienced much honest listening. Throughout the discussions, it was clear that the respect and dignity of all people must be honored.
In the afternoon, a hearing was conducted on the Lambeth reflections.
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The Bishop and the Book
Listening Process Report
Bishop Robinson reflects on his experiences at Lambeth
Read it all HERE
1913 law limiting Massachusetts marriage repealed
The Massachusetts state legislature has voted to repeal the 1913 law that prohibits gay and lesbian people from marrying in Massachusetts when it is illegal for them to do so in the states in which they reside.
The law was passed in 1913 as a response to interracial marriages that were legal in Massachusetts but illegal in most other states at that time. It was designed to ease legal tensions that might arise when interracial couples came to Massachusetts seeking marriage and then sought to have their marriages recognized in other states.
After the 2004 state Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage, the law began to be used for the same purposes, but this time limiting the rights of same-sex couples.
Rep. Byron Rushing, a leader in The Episcopal Church, member of the House of Deputies, and Board Member of the Episcopal Women's Caucus, was instrumental in orchestrating the repeal.
Read the full coverage from by clicking HERE
"We are Anglicans, not Puritans"
His experience in the Anglican Communion is unique in that he was confirmed in The Episcopal Church, ordained deacon and priest in the Anglican Church of Canada, and is serving as a bishop in the Province of Melanesia in the Global South. Additionally, he is an openly gay man.
Read his reflections HERE
The Lambeth Witness #9
"Seven Passages" Opening Night In Canterbury
Last night the cast and crew of "Seven Passages" gave an amazing performance. The play consists entirely of words from the Bible and the real-life stories of over 100 gay and lesbian Christians living in Michigan. It explores 7 "clobber passages" of scripture that are used to condemn same-gender relationships and 7 "life passages" common to gay and lesbian Christians. Four members of the audience from the Global South walked out of the theatre about halfway thru the performance. After a standing ovation, the Very Rev. Dr. Rowan Smith of South Africa facilitated a conversation between the audience, the directors, and the cast.
"Seven Passages" will be performed again TONITE, July 31st, 8 pm, at the Aphra Studio [just to the right of the Lambeth Conference registration table in the Grimond Building]. If you are in Canterbury, don't miss it!
If you are not in Canterbury, a DVD of the play is due for release in September. To order an advance copy, please contact the Actor's Theatre at +1-616-234-3817 or You can also arrange a license to produce the stage version in your area.
This performance was made possible thru a grant from the Arcus Gay & Lesbian Fund.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
More Photos From African Voices Fringe Event
Homophobic Grafitti At Lambeth
The Lambeth Witness #8
The Wednesday issue of The Lambeth Witness is now available here as a PDF. Don't miss Colin Coward's coverage of the African Voices fringe event.
A Word of Hope for LGBT Episcopalians
Peter Toscano On How Integrity Saved His Faith
Peterson Tosacano, a "theatrical performance activist," attended the second Voices of Witness: Africa preview last night. Susan Russell introduced herself to Peter, and Peter gave a glowing testimony about how Integrity/Memphis saved his Christian faith when he came out...
Peter is performing tonight and tomorrow night at a Lambeth Conference fringe event.
2nd Preview Of VOWA Packed
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Anglicanism's Wizard of Oz
Stephen Bates in today's Guardian
Protest against gay rights in Costa Rica
Read it all HERE
Rowan's Presidential Address
The Archbishop of
Second Presidential Address to the Lambeth Conference 2008
29 July 2008
'What is Lambeth '08 going to say?' is the question looming larger all the time as this final week unfolds. But before trying out any thoughts on that, I want to touch on the prior question, a question that could be expressed as 'Where is Lambeth '08 going to speak from?'. I believe if we can answer that adequately, we shall have laid some firm foundations for whatever content there will be.
And the answer, I hope, is that we speak from the centre. I don't mean speaking from the middle point between two extremes — that just creates another sort of political alignment. I mean that we should try to speak from the heart of our identity as Anglicans; and ultimately from that deepest centre which is our awareness of living in and as the Body of Christ.
We are here at all, surely, because we believe there is an Anglican identity and that it's worth investing our time and energy in it. I hope that some of the experience of this Conference will have reinforced that sense. And I hope too that we all acknowledge that the only responsible and Christian way of going on engaging with those who aren't here is by speaking from that centre in Jesus Christ where we all see our lives held and focused.
And, as I suggested in my opening address, speaking from the centre requires habits and practices and disciplines that make some demands upon everyone — not because something alien is being imposed, but because we know we shall only keep ourselves focused on the centre by attention and respect for each other — checking the natural instinct on all sides to cling to one dimension of the truth revealed. I spoke about council and covenant as the shape of the way forward as I see it. And by this I meant, first, that we needed a bit more of a structure in our international affairs to be able to give clear guidance on what would and would not be a grave and lasting divisive course of action by a local church. While at the moment the focus of this sort of question is sexual ethics, it could just as well be pressure for a new baptismal formula or the abandonment of formal reference to the Nicene Creed in a local church's formulations; it could be a degree of variance in sacramental practice — about the elements of the Eucharist or lay presidency; it could be the regular incorporation into liturgy of non-Scriptural or even non-Christian material.
Some of these questions have a pretty clear answer, but others are open for a little more discussion; and it seems obvious that a body which commands real confidence and whose authority is recognised could help us greatly. But the key points are confidence and authority. If we do develop such a capacity in our structures, we need as a Communion to agree what sort of weight its decisions will have; hence, again, the desirability of a covenantal agreement.
Some have expressed unhappiness about the 'legalism' implied in a covenant. But we should be clear that good law is about guaranteeing consistence and fairness in a community; and also that in a community like the Anglican family, it can only work when there is free acceptance. Properly understood, a covenant is an expression of mutual generosity — indeed, 'generous love', to borrow the title of the excellent document on Inter-Faith issues which was discussed yesterday. And we might recall that powerful formulation from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks — 'Covenant is the redemption of solitude'.
Mutual generosity : part of what this means is finding out what the other person or group really means and really needs. The process of this last ten days has been designed to help us to find out something of this — so that when we do address divisive issues, we have created enough of a community for an intelligent generosity to be born. It is by no means a full agreement, but it will, I hope, have strengthened the sense that we have at least a common language, born out of the conviction that Jesus Christ remains the one unique centre.
And within that conviction, what has been heard? I want now to engage in what might be a rather presumptuous exercise — and certainly feels like a risky one. I want to imagine what people on different sides of our most painful current debate hope others have heard or are beginning to hear in our time together. I want to imagine what the main messages would be, within an atmosphere of patience and charity, from those in our Communion who hold to a clear and traditional doctrinal and moral conviction, and also from those who, starting from the same centre, find fewer problems or none with some recent innovations. Although these voices are inevitably rooted in the experience of the developing world and of
So first : what might the traditional believer hope others have heard? 'What we seek to do in our context is faithfully to pass on what you passed on to us — Holy Scripture, apostolic ministry, sacramental discipline. But what are we to think when all these things seem to be questioned and even overturned? We want to be pastorally caring to all, to be "inclusive" as you like to say. We want to welcome everyone. Yet the gospel and the faith you passed on to us tell us that some kinds of behaviour and relationship are not blessed by God. Our love and our welcome are unreal if we don't truthfully let others know what has shaped and directed our lives — so along with welcome, we must still challenge people to change their ways. We don't see why welcoming the gay or lesbian person with love must mean blessing what they do in the Church's name or accepting them for ordination whatever their lifestyle. We seek to love them — and, all right, we don't always make a good job of it : but we can't just say that there is nothing to challenge. Isn't it like the dilemma of the early Church — welcoming soldiers, yet seeking to get them to lay down their arms?
'But please remember also that — while you may say that what you do needn't affect us — your decisions make a vast difference to us. In this world of instant communication, our neighbours know what you do, and they see us as sharing the responsibility. Imagine what that means where those neighbours are passionately traditional Christians — and what it means for our own members, who will be drawn to leave us for a "safer", more orthodox church. Imagine what it means when those neighbours are non-Christians, delighted to find a stick to beat us with. Imagine what it is to be known as the 'gay church' in a context where that spells real contempt and danger.
'Don't misunderstand us. We're not looking for safety and comfort. Some of us know quite a lot about carrying the cross. But when that cross is laid on us by fellow-Christians, it's quite a lot harder to bear. Don't be too surprised if some of us want to be at a distance from you — or if we want to support minorities in your midst who seem to us to be suffering.
'But we are here. We've taken a risk in coming, because many who think like us feel we've betrayed them just by meeting you. But we value our Communion, we want to understand you and we want you to understand us. Can you find some way of being generous that helps us believe you care about us and about the common language and belief of the Church? Can you — in plain words — step back and let us think and pray about these things without giving us the impression that the debate is over and we've lost and that doesn't matter to you?'
And then : what might the not so traditional believer hope has been heard?
'What we seek to do in our context is to bring Jesus alive in the minds and hearts of the people of our culture. Trying to speak the language of the culture and relate honestly to where people really are doesn't have to be a betrayal of Scripture and tradition. We know we're pushing the boundaries — but don't some Christians always have to do that? Doesn't the Bible itself suggest that?
'We are often hurt, angry and bewildered at the way many others in the Communion see us and treat us these days — as if we were spiritual lepers or traitors to every aspect of Christian belief. We know that no-one is the best judge in their own case, but we see in our church life at least some marks of the Spirit's gifts. And part of that is acknowledging the gifts we've seen in gay and lesbian believers. They will certainly be likely to feel that the restraint you ask for is a betrayal. Please try to see why this is such a dilemma for many of us. You may not see it, but they're still at risk in our society, still vulnerable to murderous violence. And we have to say to some of you that we long for you to speak up for your gay and lesbian neighbours in situations where they are subject to appalling discrimination. There have been Lambeth Resolutions about that too, remember.
'A lot of the time, we feel we're being made scapegoats. Other provinces have acute moral and disciplinary problems, or else they more or less successfully refuse to admit the realities in their midst. But those of us who have faced the complex issues around gay relationships in what we feel to be an open and prayerful way are stigmatised and demonised.
'Not all of us, of course, supported or took part in the actions that have caused so much trouble. Some of us remain strongly opposed, many of us want to find ways of strengthening our bonds with you. But even those who don't stand with the majority on innovations will often feel that the life of a whole church, a life that is varied and complex but often deeply and creatively faithful to Christ and the Scriptures, is being wrongly and unjustly seen by you and some of your friends.
'We want to be generous, and we are hurt that some throw back in our faces both the experience and the resources we long to share. Can you try and see us as fellow-believers struggling to proclaim the same Christ, and to be patient with us?'
Two sets of feelings and perceptions, two appeals for generosity. For the first speaker, the cost of generosity may be accusation of compromise : you've been bought, you've been deceived by airy talk into tolerating unscriptural and unfaithful policies. For the second speaker, the cost of generosity may be accusations of sacrificing the needs of an oppressed group for the sake of a false or delusional unity, giving up a precious Anglican principle for the sake of a dangerous centralisation. But there is the challenge. If both were able to hear and to respond generously, perhaps we could have something more like a conversation of equals — even something more like a Church.
At Dar-es-Salaam, the primates tried to find a way of inviting different groups to take a step forward simultaneously towards each other. It didn't happen, and each group was content to blame the other. But the last 18 months don't suggest that this was a good outcome. Can this Conference now put the same kind of challenge? To the innovator, can we say, 'Don't isolate yourself; don't create facts on the ground that make the invitation to debate ring a bit hollow'? Can we say to the traditionalist, 'Don't invest everything in a church of pure and likeminded souls; try to understand the pastoral and human and theological issues that are urgent for those you are opposing, even if you think them deeply wrong'?
I think we perhaps can, if and only if we are captured by the vision of the true Centre, the heart of God out of which flows the impulse of an eternal generosity which creates and heals and promises. It is this generosity which sustains our mission and service in Our Lord's name. And it is this we are called to show to each other.
At the moment, we seem often to be threatening death to each other, not offering life. What some see as confused or reckless innovation in some provinces is felt as a body-blow to the integrity of mission and a matter of literal physical risk to Christians. The reaction to this is in turn felt as an annihilating judgement on a whole local church, undermining its legitimacy and pouring scorn on its witness. We need to speak life to each other; and that means change. I've made no secret of what I think that change should be — a Covenant that recognizes the need to grow towards each other (and also recognizes that not all may choose that way). I find it hard at present to see another way forward that would avoid further disintegration. But whatever your views on this, at least ask the question : 'Having heard the other person, the other group, as fully and fairly as I can, what generous initiative can I take to break through into a new and transformed relation of communion in Christ?'
Hate for Liberals and Gay People Drove Gunman, Police Say
Published: July 29, 2008
The New York Times
A man who the police say entered a Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville, Tenn., on Sunday and shot eight people, killing two, was motivated by a hatred for liberals and gay people, Chief Sterling P. Owen IV of the Knoxville Police Department said Monday.
Click here for the rest of the article.
Knoxville Church targeted for liberal views on women's and LGBT rights
The shooter described his frustration in securing employment and his anger about liberal political views as his motivation for going on the shooting spree.
This serves as yet another example of the profound need, both in the church and in the larger society, for a need to listen to and to understand the experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people. Moreover, it highlights the interrelatedness of a wide range of social justice issues, including gay rights, women's rights, and issues of economic justice.
BBC also has limited coverage of the event HERE
The Anglican Journal (Canada) on yesterday
Bishop Michael Ingham of the Diocese of New Westminster is featured prominently throughout the article and offers several significant points including: "the suggestion of a pastoral forum 'institutionalizes external incursions into the life of our churches.'" In direct contrast to the stated goal of a "moratorium" on external incursions, Bishop Ingham reminds us that this proposal would make such incursions commonplace and the new way of doing business as Anglicans. This point, made in the article, is underscored by the language of the source document itself (CLICK HERE): "Such a scheme might draw on models [of]... family life (the way in which the extended family can care for children in dysfunctional nuclear families)...".
Archbishop Caleb Lawrence of the Diocese of Moosonee raised other concerns about the proposal released yesterday. He said, "Will it be used as an instrument to force people to conform and will it be another one of the situations where there is a right and wrong, black and white, and people will be divided from people even more? Will it be an instrument that will lead to a reconciliation or will it simply exacerbate the divisions we are in now?"
Read it all, HERE
Monday, July 28, 2008
Press Release
CANTERBURY, UK—The Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus, bishop of the Diocese of California, USA, will host a second screening of "VOICES OF WITNESS: AFRICA"—a 20-minute preview featuring the stories of LGBT Africans—on Tuesday, 29 July, 9pm, at the K-Lounge of Keynes College as a fringe event.
"The response to this film has been so overwhelmingly positive and we've received so many requests for a second showing that we're thrilled to extend this preview to a wider audience," said the Rev. Dr. Cynthia Black, photographer of the documentary and one of the its producers.
Andrus, one of the major funders of VOWA, and his diocese are committed to making the voices of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Christians of Africa heard.
Davis Mac-Iyalla, the Director of Changing Attitude Nigeria, who has just been awarded asylum in the UK due to threats made against him because of his sexual orientation, says, "This project reveals that there are homosexual Anglicans in Africa and it highlights the violence and inhumanity waged against them. I urge as many people as possible to come and experience this preview."
All are welcome.
Press contact in the UK:
--Louise Brooks, Senior Press Officer, +44 (0)7503 695 579,
Press contact in the USA:
--Jan Adams, Field Organizer, +1-415-378-2050,
The Lambeth Witness #7
Press Release
CANTERBURY, UK—The Rev. Susan Russell, President of Integrity USA, issued the following statement after today's release of Part Three of the Windsor Continuation Group's Preliminary Observations:
"LGBT Anglicans are back on the chopping block based on the work of the Windsor Continuation Group. While we recognize that this is a long-term process, sadly, what was continued today was the process of institutionalizing bigotry and marginalizing the LGBT baptized. Acceptance of these recommendations would result in de facto sacramental apartheid.
"We applaud the strong testimony in today's hearings from TEC bishops who are committed to be pastoral to all the sheep in their flock, not just the straight ones. We call on them to take that witness to their Indaba groups. We ask them to remember the 1976 commitment of the Episcopal Church to 'full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the Church' for the LGBT baptized.
"It is a sad thing indeed that the message today's report sends out from the Anglican Communion to the world is that homosexuals getting married in California are of more concern to the church than are homosexuals being mugged in Nigeria.
"As Integrity continues to offer our witness here at Lambeth Conference, we demonstrate our deep commitment to our ongoing relationship with the rest of the global Anglican Communion. At the same time, we will witness to our conviction that the vocations and relationships of the LGBT baptized are not for sale as bargaining chips in this game of global Anglican politics. At the end of the day, too high a price to pay for institutional unity."
The Rev. Susan Russell is available for interviews and comment.
Press contact in the UK:
--Louise Brooks, Senior Press Officer, +44 (0)7503 695 579,
Press contact in the USA:
--Jan Adams, Field Organizer, +1-415-378-2050,
Windsor Continuation Group--Preliminary Observations to the Lambeth Conference
Anecdotal reports indicate that a number of American bishops spoke against moratoria.
A response from Integrity USA will be released shortly.
Listening through Theatre
As another opportunity for the Anglican Communion to listen to the stories and experiences of LGBT people, "Seven Passages", a play about the experiences of gay Christians, will be performed this week at the Lambeth Conference by a student group from Western Michigan University.
For more information, read THIS ARTICLE from
There will be two performances in Kent University's Aphra Theatre:
Wednesday, 30th July at 20:00
Thursday, 31st July at 20:00
Heard on the Street
Posted this afternoon on The Gene Pool, ordinary people strolling on High Street in Canterbury are asked if they recognize a photo of +Gene and about their opinions on gay bishops...
Family Feud: The Lambeth Version
It struck me this morning that there are some who are eagerly awaiting the Lambeth Conference equivalent to that moment on the television game show "Family Feud" when the host would turn to the scoreboard and announce ... with great drama ...
AND THE SURVEY SAID ...!!! [fill in the blank]
And one family would win and go onto the bonus round and the other would slink off with a case of Rice-a-Roni amongst their consolation prizes.
But I'm thinking this morning that what made for a long running game show does NOT necessarily make for a life-giving communion of faith.
Here's the "survey" that prompted my Monday Morning Musings: Ruth Gledhill's report in today's TIMES that (a survey says) "Four in five protestants believe gay sex is a sin and that practising gays should not be ordained."
Goodness. Forgive me if I'm not shocked, surprised, horrified or otherwise convinced that what this "survey says" has any value for the work our bishops are about at this Lambeth Conference.
For one, I cannot help but imagine if such a survey was taken in 1950's Topeka, four in five residents would have believed that segregation was perfectly OK and that the Brown v. Board of Education decision to integrate public schools was in error.
For another, I do not remember "Blessed are you who have complied with the will of the majority to exclude the minority" in any of the Beatitudes.
The American Episcopal Church has never maintained that it holds anything other than a minority opinion on full inclusion of the LBGT baptized in the life and witness of the church.
If the point of the Lambeth Conference 2008 game show unfolding on the Kentian campus is to come up with a "And the survey says ..." moment on Lambeth 1.10 or +Gene Robinson or the blessing of same sex unions in order to send the Americans off with their case of Rice-a-Roni, then we might all have save ourselves a lot of time and our respective churches a lot of money and stayed home.
The focus of the work -- so far -- at Lambeth Conference has been on how we are going to work together into God's future in SPITE of our differences ... not how we're going to vote some members of the Body of Christ off the Anglican Island BECAUSE of them. (I'm mixing my game-show metaphors but I think you get my point.)
Finally, just for fun, we've done our own survey. It wasn't of 517 "Protestant Christians" like the ComRes survey in Gledhill's TIMES article ... it was of 21 random folks wandering about the streets of Cantebury.
And OUR "survey said" that three-in-four people-on-the-street did not believe being gay should be a bar to ordination AND a significant percentage believed the church would grow and benefit from being more inclusive.
So here's MY survey question for the day:
If the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few, why is it that those who talk the loudest and jump up and down the most about evangelism are busier surveying those in the pews about who should be kept OUT of the church than they are getting out into the streets and taking to those who need to be gathered IN?
What does "the survey" have to say about that???? .
Inclusive Communion
Press Release
CANTERBURY, UK—The Alongside Lambeth programme continues for everyone including those who are not official 'conference participants'. Bible Study takes place at 11am in the Marketplace Viewers Balcony
Talks are also being held in St Stephens Church, on Hales Drive at 4pm…
Monday: July 28 Anglican Covenant—The Way Forward?
Two speakers share their differing perspectives on the Anglican Covenant:
--Paula Nesbitt is Visiting Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley. She has studied the effects of women's ordination on American churches and was at Lambeth 1998 researching the different leadership styles of male and female bishops. She is currently considering the Anglican Communion as a transnational organization during a time of social change and uncertainty.
--Jonathan Clatworthy is the General Secretary of the Modern Churchpeople's Union. Previously he worked as a parish priest, university chaplain and lecturer in Ethics. He is a member of the leadership team at St Brides, Liverpool.
Wednesday July 30 The Windsor Process—Where Are We?
A conversation with:
--Jenny Te Paa, who lectures in Global Anglican Studies at The College of St John the Evangelist, Aotearoa, New Zealand and was involved in the development of the Windsor Report.
Press contact in the UK:
Louise Brooks, Senior Press Officer, +44 (0)7503 695 579,
Press contact in the USA:Jan Adams, Field Organizer, +1-415-378-2050,
The proposed curia?
Archbishop of Dublin supports Bishop Robinson
Archbishop Neil was at last week's event for bishops to meet with Bishop Robinson.
On Robinson's exclusion from the Lambeth Conference, Neil said, "I am just sorry he is not part of this conference."
Read it all HERE
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Dobson to be inducted into Radio Hall of Fame
Dobson's Nomination to Radio Hall of Fame Protested
Truth Wins Out, a gay rights advocacy group, launched a campaign Thursday protesting the recent nomination of Focus on the Family founder and president James Dobson to the Radio Hall of Fame.
“It is outrageous and insulting that James Dobson would be nominated,” Wayne Besen, executive director of Truth Wins Out, said in a press release. While the Hall of Fame criteria for nominees does not address content or character, the LGBT advocacy group is demanding that Dobson’s name be removed from consideration because of homophobic and antigay comments made in articles, books, and on the air.
“I’m not surprised,” Besen said of Dobson’s nomination. Besen is, however, outraged: “[Dobson] is a very accomplished broadcaster, but I think it’s offset by the fact that he’s a very accomplished liar.” Truth Wins Out also maintains that Dobson has a history of distorting scientific research to defend his faith-based claims.
Here's the AP feed story on Dobson's nomination.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Class Photo
Press Release
CANTERBURY, UK— Davis Mac-Iyalla, a gay Anglican and activist who fled Nigeria in 2006 following death threats, has been granted asylum in the UK. "LGBT Nigerians live in fear of their lives once they come out of the closet," said Mac-Iyalla. "Now I can work on their behalf from the safety of a base in London."
Mac-Iyalla first sought safety in Togo where he was the victim of a violent assault. On the same day as this attack, a friend and fellow gay Anglican activist was severely beaten while representing Davis at his sister's funeral in Nigeria. Mac-Iyalla then sought refuge in the UK where even more threats followed him. Once British police determined the threats were from outside the UK, Mac-Iyalla decided he had no option but to seek asylum in Britain.
Mac-Iyalla is at the Lambeth Conference to share his and other stories of gay Anglicans in Africa.
Davis Mac-Iyalla is available for comment and interviews.
Press contact in the UK:
Louise Brooks, Senior Press Officer, +44 (0)7503 695 579,
Press contact in the USA:
Jan Adams, Field Organizer, +1-415-378-2050,
Process, process, process - and not a story in sight!
Aside from that, process stories about the lack of news coming out of Lambeth continue to waft from the secular press.
Alex Beam of The Boston Globe had this to say:
Unfortunately, snubbing Robinson didn't have the desired effect, as hundreds of bishops are staying away, to avoid rubbing shoulders with the men who consecrated bishops like Robinson and Schori. No delegates from Nigeria, Uganda, and Rwanda are attending. Even Michael Nazir-Ali, the bishop of Rochester, England, is boycotting the event. "Those who have gone against church teaching" - he means the Yanks - "should not attend representative Anglican gatherings," Nazir-Ali said.To read the rest CLICK HERE
If you're looking for substantive news about the Integrity team's work in Canterbury, and that of our allies, be sure to read The Lambeth Witness, a daily publication about issues of interest set in the context of each day's theme.
To access The Lambeth Witness CLICK HERE
Press Advisory
CANTERBURY, UK—Claiming the Blessing presents "SEVEN PASSAGES: The Stories of Gay Christians"—which tells the true stories of more than 100 gay and lesbian Christians and their relationship to the Christian faith. It is an ethnographic play: a play that is composed of text that has been directly transcribed from real people. The title "SEVEN PASSAGES" refers to the seven biblical passages often used to condemn homosexuals. The production aims to facilitate a dialogue and a listening process with the Christian community.
Claiming the Blessing, the sponsor of this event, is an association of Episcopalians advocating for the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments of the church.
There will be a question and answers session with the cast following the play.
Show Dates: Wednesday, July 30th and Thursday, July 31st
Start Time: 20:00
Venue: Aphra Theatre, University of Kent
Made possible through a generous grant from the Arcus Gay & Lesbian Fund
For more information contact:
The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Black, +44 (0)7503695582,
Press contact in the UK:
Louise Brooks, Senior Press Officer, +44 (0)7503 695 579,
Press contact in the USA:
Jan Adams, Field Organizer, +1-415-378-2050,
A friend among the stewards
In her brief post, Allie is contributing to the conversation about the two Eucharists that happened on Sunday. In addition to the great pictures of both events, the post is worth your time just for this line:
"During the first [Eucharist] we sang that 'all are welcome in this place,' in the second we showed it."
Thanks, Allie!
LGBT Episcopalian Team
Representing Integrity USA is...
- Susan Russell--president of Integrity USA, who is coordinating strategy and tactics with the leaders of allied LGBT and justice organizations during Lambeth
- Louise Brooks--award-winning television and film producer, who is serving as our senior press officer during Lambeth
- John Clinton Bradley--acting executive director of Integrity USA, who is managing the Canterbury communications Centre [3C] during Lambeth
- Jon Richardson--a candidate for holy orders in the Diocese of Newark who volunteered with Integrity's legislative time during the last General Convention, is staffing the 3C during Lambeth. Jon is working closely with John to provide a multitude of support services.
- Phil Nicholson--a former northeast regional vice president of Integrity USA and a veteran of several General Conventions, is managing our booth during Lambeth
- Katie Sharrod--a long-time straight supporter of Integrity USA and award-winning journalist, who is editing our daily newsletter.
- Michael Bell--a leader of the Bishop's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Ministry in the Diocese of Los Angeles, who is serving as our graphic artist. Michael is working closely with Katie on the newsletter.
- Caro Hall--Integrity's director of Anglican Communion affairs, who is serving as our team chaplain and coordinating a number of "Alongside Lambeth" offerings.
Representing other LGBT organizations [but working closely with Integrity USA] are...
- Cynthia Black--is serving as team videographer on behalf of Claiming the Blessing
- Tom Jackson---is working with Caro on Alongside Lambeth offerings on behalf of Oasis California
- Cameron Partridge--is speaking and writing on behalf of TransEpiscopal
Please keep these dedicated volunteers--and their significant others from whom they are parted--in your prayers.
UK grants asylum to Director of Changing Attitude Nigeria
Davis MacIyalla, Director of Changing Attitude Nigeria, has been granted asylum in the UK.
The Reverend Colin Coward
Director of Changing Attitude England
Mobile +44 (0)7770 844302
Friday, July 25, 2008
Proposal Calls For Creation Of Faith And Order Commission
a c c w e b n e w s
The Anglican Church of Canada
Jul 25, 2008
Canterbury, England
The Windsor Continuation Group (WCG) has put before the Lambeth Conference
of bishops here a proposal to set up an Anglican Faith and Order Commission
that could "give guidance on the ecclesiological issues" raised by the
current "crisis" in the Anglican Communion - the focus on human sexuality.
The WCG suggests that the approval of the proposed Anglican Covenant among
provinces and churches "needs a definite timeline to ensure confidence that
the process has credibility."
In a press conference, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams would not go
into detail about the proposal, saying only that "there is a very strong
feeling that we need another level of structure to have a clearing house for
some of these issues." He added: "I don't want to say anything about the
detail because it's a flag raised to see who salutes it." He said the
proposal was being discussed by bishops in their indaba groups today. "We'll
see how it flies."
Already some questions are being raised as to whether such a commission
would be equivalent to the powerful Pontifical Biblical Commission of the
Roman Catholic Church, composed of cardinals who meet in Rome and whose
duties include protecting and defending "the integrity of the Catholic
faith" and deciding on "controversies on grave questions which may arise
among Catholic scholars to ensure their proper interpretation."
To read the rest of the story, please visit the Anglican Journal Website,
Listening To Trans People
We've hit the big time now
Check out this coverage of the Lambeth Conference, courtesy of The Colbert Report.
What I've learned from watching the West Wing
Theo Hobson, of The Guardian, UK, has written this review of the Indaba process - the process by which the bishops of the Communion are attempting to engage in structured listening around the issues being addressed by the Lambeth Conference.
Hobson's analysis is particularly interesting because it review's the process in the context of the pre-existing partisan divides, as he perceives them.
You can read it all HERE
Coverage of opening Sunday
First, from The New York Times, an overview that includes coverage of both the Opening Eucharist at Canterbury Cathedral and the Integrity/Changing Attitude Eucharist at St. Stephen's Field. Despite a few factual errors (it's Bishop Robinson, not Archbishop Robinson, and Bishop Katharine is not from Boston, etc.), it is a rather well-balanced look at the activities of the day.
Read it all HERE
Also, Episcopal News Service included the Integrity/Changing Attitude Eucharist in its coverage of opening Sunday activities.
Read it all HERE
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Bishop Frade carries rainbow flag in MDG March
The bishops carried placards with messages dealing with the fight against hunger, the challenge to halve world poverty by 2015 and also Micah’s message reminding us that what God demands from us is to “do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.” I carried a sign with that message from Micah 6:8, to which I added a rainbow flag to make sure that those who saw it that justice and mercy are not just for a few, but should be extended to ALL human beings regardless to their race, religion, national origin, social class or sexual orientation.
Read it all here.