Monday, January 12, 2009

Displaced Anglicans Offered Refuge on Saddleback Campus

On Saturday, part of a letter from Rich Warren to breakaway Anglican leaders was published on the Christianity Today blog...

"[The Episcopal Church has] already considered me an adversary after partnering on projects with Kolini, Orumbi, and Nzimbi, and writing the TIME bio on Akinola.

But since last summer... I’ve been on Gene Robinson and other’s attack list for my position on gay marriage. ....[Our] brothers and sisters here at St. James in Newport Beach lost their California State Supreme Court case to keep their property.

We stand in solidarity with them, and with all orthodox, evangelical Anglicans. I offer the campus of Saddleback Church to any Anglican congregation who need a place to meet, or if you want to plant a new congregation in south Orange County."

Click here for the original blog post.


  1. Oh my yes, that will be helpful...there will be a few of Bishop Venables as well as Orombi followers too who will need another ¨place to stand¨ after recklessly grandstanding on the goodwill and welcoming/forgiving nature of their brothers and sisters at The Body of Christ. Yet, deep down, each one of them know that ¨the door is open and the light is on¨ and they are ALL welcome to come home to TEC...the Church that WELCOMES everyone...everyone, means, everyone.

    It´s their choice.

  2. After the attemped hijackings of the United Methodist and Presbyterian denominations by outsiders, our major mistake was believing the instigators were Episcopalians to begin with.


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