Monday, January 12, 2009

In other news ...

Pasadena Pastor back on Oprah today to explain why "Gay is a gift from God"

Media Advisory: For Immediate Release
Monday, January 12, 2009

The Reverend J. Edwin Bacon, Jr., rector of All Saints Church, Pasadena will make an encore appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show today, Monday, January 12, to respond to the controversy around his statement in a January 8th segment on the Oprah Show that "being gay is a gift from God."

It was no surprise at All Saints Church that the show's producers asked for some follow-up time with Reverend Bacon. "The volume of email we're getting here in Pasadena tells us that Ed Bacon's message -- the good news that God loves absolutely everybody -- is one people are hungry to hear," said the Reverend Susan Russell, All Saints Senior Associate for Communication.
"We are deeply grateful for the national platform Ed Bacon's appearance on Oprah has given this message of love, inclusion and tolerance that we hear preached here in Pasadena 24/7. We look forward to welcoming those coming toward us who are hearing for the first time that the abundant, inclusive love of God includes them!"

For more information contact Keith Holeman, Director of Communications at All Saints Church, Pasadena, at, or 626.583.2739.

1 comment:

  1. I just watched today's segment, and it was very uplifting! It was very encouraging to hear that Rev. Bacon's email response was so overwhelmingly positive, and very much so again when he broadcast the core of all Scripture, that of The Greatest Commandment, to love. I'm sure Ann Coulter will have a coronary over it, but there's no evil in afflicting the comfortable!

    God Bless you, and I look forward to Wednesday's webcast on!


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