Dear Friends,
Last week the Equality Commission and I met. We discussed the next steps in this diocese toward the blessing of same sex unions. One of the products of the discussion was the following Q and A document. It will provide some definitions and clarify some of the terms that are used to describe the sacramental blessing of a sacred union.
Please read the introduction and the conclusion carefully and thoughtfully. They will provide a context for the discussion.
Faithfully Yours,
From the "Q&A" document referenced above:
The Provisional Bishop of San Joaquin is authorizing the use of a rite for the “Sacramental Blessing of a Sacred Union.” This sacramental rite maybe used to bless the union of a man and a woman or it may be used to sacramentally unite persons of the same gender.Read the rest here
Is authorizing or is talking about authorizing? A discussion or a done deal?
It is a done deal Ann. Pentecost is the big day.
A done deal, Ann. The big day is Pentecost.
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