Max Niedzwiecki, Ph.D.
Max Niedzwiecki, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Integrity USA
Integrity USA publishes its 2010 Annual Report
July is a month of “firsts” for Integrity and all of us who think the Episcopal Church and society need to be better at welcoming all of God’s children:

This July we mark more “firsts”: We’re seeing the arrival of civil marriage equality in New York State, and the blessing of those marriages in most of the state’s dioceses.
On a humbler note – but still significantly – July 2011 brings the publication of Integrity’s first Annual Report, covering the year 2010. Download the report today to learn about what we achieved last year to make “all the sacraments for all the baptized” a reality in dioceses and parishes throughout the country, advocate for justice in the wider society, and prepare for a strong showing at General Convention 2012.
At the next General Convention – in July 2012 – with God’s help, we will achieve the ratification of the Standing Commission’s resources for blessing relationships, so that they will be approved for use nationally. We will also push for Episcopal Church to extend a fuller welcome to Christians who happen to be transgender. And we will advocate for many other dimensions of equality, as we have done since 1974.
Integrity needs your support to continue to make July a month of “firsts” for inclusion and justice. As we luanch our campaign to General Convention 2012 in Indianapolis, as we continue to advocate for human rights, and as we resource every diocese and parish to become more welcoming to all of God’s children – we hope you will join our team.
You can do that in two ways: Become an Integrity Volunteer. Most of Integrity’s work is one by volunteers. Write to us at, to see how you can help.
Second, make a special, tax-deductible donation to Integrity in honor of all that we have achieved and – more importantly – in solidarity for all that we still need to achieve. You will receive an appeal from Integrity in the mail over the next week. Please give generously.. Or make your donation online today
Thank you!
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