"Today a sitting President of the United States said he believes lesbian and gay couples should be allowed to marry. That makes this a very, very good day. What Louie Crew and Ernest Clay began to model on behalf of gay and lesbian Episcopalians when Integrity was formed in 1974, was finally endorsed by the leader of the free world 38 years later. President Obama spoke in powerful personal terms about the witness of his own gay friends, staff, and the parents of his daughter’s friends when he spoke of why he has changed his mind and turned even further toward justice. Beloveds, we LGBT folk and our allies taught him to do that. Our struggle is not over, but today is a very good day". Interim Executive Director, Rev. Harry Knox

"The President's change of heart will come as no
surprise to Integrity members who have seen miracles of transformation as those
close to us and in the wider Church have had their hearts and minds touched by
the Holy spirit working through LGBT people and our allies".- Integrity President, The Rev. Dr. Caroline Hall

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