Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Voices of Witness: Out of the Box" -- the witness continues!

Just posted to the House of Bishops and Deputies list about OOTB:

“Voices of Witness: Out of the Box” – the documentary produced by IntegrityUSA giving voice to the witness of transgender Episcopalians – continues to give witness post #GC77. Mailed to every bishop and deputy before Indianapolis and screened twice while we were at Convention, the film has just passed the 8000 view milestone on YouTube and continues to receive comments like this one:

Thank you for this amazing video. In my work with the Trans community, individuals that are struggling to find an affirming faith community are incredibly common. The truth is, we do have affirming Churches, affirming faiths, but often people want to hold onto their faith, not change denomination. The answer is not for the individual to change churches, but for churches to change. I appreciate the Episcopal Church for being on the front lines of that change, and boldly so. Claire Swinford.
Stay tuned for a study guide (being written by the Reverend Dr. Gary Hall, erstwhile Dean of Seabury Western and rector of Christ Church, Cranbrook) coming soon for congregations and communities to view and discuss OOTB in the fall!

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