We have named a Nominations Committee whose task is to gather nominations from the membership for the Board (President, National Vice-President, Vice President for Local Affairs, Treasurer, Secretary, and Chair of the Stakeholder’s Council) and for Provincial Coordinators for each of the eight domestic Provinces.
The members of the Nominations Committee are:
Dante Tavolaro Province 1 Rev. Kerlin Richter Province 2 Rev. Scott Allen Province 3 Nancy Mott Province 4 David Fleer Province 5 Bill Oliver Province 6 S Wayne Mathis Province 7 Shireen Miles Province 8
If you think that God might be calling you to run for one of these elected positions, please take a look at the task outlines (see below for excerpts from the bylaws) and then send an email to nominate@integrityusa.org with the following information:
- Name, Address, Phone, Email
- The position you want to run for.
- 2-3 paragraphs about yourself
- your diocese and your experience with Integrity
- the skills/experience you will bring to this position
- why you think God may be calling you to this position
You are welcome to contact Matt Haines (matt@integrityusa.org) or other current Board members if you want to know more about what’s involved, or contact Marie Alford-Harkey (Marie@integrityusa.org) Vice-President for Local Affairs, to talk about the role of the Provincial Coordinators.
Once nominations are closed, current members will be sent a ballot by US Mail. All ballots will need to be returned by June 15, 2015. Results will be announced on the last day of General Convention.
Please join us in praying that God will raise up leaders among us who can joyfully take on the responsibilities of this organization so that we may further God's kingdom together!
Chapter 2. Board of Directors Article 2. Responsibilities Section 1. General The Board shall be responsible for the programs, development, and administration of Integrity in accordance with the organization's goals and purposes and its Articles of Incorporation. Except as otherwise provided, policies not set forth in these bylaws shall be made by a majority vote of the Board at any regular or special meeting of the Board. Section 2. Financial The Board shall annually adopt a national budget which shall be published to the membership and shall cause a "review" if not an "audit" of the financial records to be performed according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles by a Certified Public Accountant biennially. Article 5. Duties of Officers Section 1. President A. If and when there is no Executive Director, the President shall be the principal spokesperson for the organization and shall be the chief representative of Integrity to the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, and other organizations domestic and foreign. B. The President shall chair meetings of the Board. C. The President shall have charge of, and may with the concurrence of the Board, appoint committees and individuals to assist in carrying out the programs and obligations of the organization; shall be a member ex-officio of all committees and task forces; and shall make regular reports to the membership of Integrity. Section 2. Secretary A. The Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of meetings of the Board; shall conduct the legal correspondence of the organization; and shall be the custodian of the official business records of Integrity. B. The Secretary or his/her designee shall maintain Chapter status records for purposes of certification and shall confirm in-formation status and authorize the use of the name "Integrity" by Chapters-in-formation. C. The Secretary shall also function as Director of Communications. Section 3. Treasurer A. The Treasurer shall be bonded and shall be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all funds of Integrity, and for the maintenance of accurate financial records with a regular accounting to the Board and an annual accounting to the membership, shall prepare and file such fiscal reports as may be required by governmental entities, shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the Board, and shall, with the concurrence of the Board, arrange for a "review" or an "audit" of the books as specified in Article 7. Section 2. B. The Treasurer or her/his designee shall maintain the current membership rolls and bill members for the annual dues. Section 4. Vice-Presidents A. The Vice President for National Affairs, in concert with the Executive Director (if there be one) and the President, shall be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating Integrity's programming, development, and administrative work at the national level. B. The Vice President for Local Affairs, in concert with the Executive Director (if there be one) and the President, shall be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating Integrity's programming, development, and administrative work at the provincial, diocesan, and congregational levels. This officer shall act as mentor to the Provincial Coordinators and serve as the primary liaison between them and the Board. CHAPTER 3. STAKEHOLDERS’ COUNCIL Article 1. Composition Section 1. Members There shall be a Stakeholders’ Council (hereinafter "Council"), which shall consist of the following: • MEMBERS WITH SEAT, VOICE, AND VOTE: Chapter Conveners, Diocesan Network Coordinators, Congregational Circle Moderators, Partner Representatives, and Lifetime Members • MEMBERS WITH SEAT AND VOICE: Provincial Coordinators, Past Presidents, members of the Board, representatives of organizations designated by the Board as “allied organizations,” and the Executive Director—if there be one. Section 2. Officers There shall be a Chair and a Vice Chair of the Council, elected by the members of the Council as provided in these bylaws. Article 2. Responsibilities The Council shall offer advice and counsel to the Board concerning the mission and ministry of Integrity, the organization’s programs, resource development, leadership development, organizational alliances and collaborations, and on any other matters which the Board may, from time to time, bring to the Council for its consideration. Article 3. Meetings The Council shall meet at least once each calendar year at a time and place established by the Board. Article 4. Resolutions Resolutions shall require a vote of the majority of those present for adoption. The full bylaws can be found at IntegrityUSA's website. |
Integrity USA's mission is to inspire and equip the Episcopal Church, its dioceses, congregations, and members to proclaim and embody God’s all-inclusive love for LGBTQ persons and those who love them.
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