Monday, June 4, 2007

Anglican Covenant Q&A

Albeit at the 11th hour (answers were due June 4th) I have submitted the following answers to the questions posed on the proposed Anglican Covenant "Draft."
Do you think an Anglican Covenant is necessary and/or will help to strengthen the interdependent life of the Anglican Communion? Why or why not?
I do not think an Anglican Covenant is “necessary.” While I do think we are all called to the ministry of strengthening the interdependent life of the Anglican Communion I understand that strengthening to be in the service of Gospel we have been given to proclaim – not in the service of preserving the structures of the institutional church. To the degree that the “draft” Covenant under consideration would transform the bonds of affection that have historically united us as a people of God into shackles of theological uniformity antithetical to classical Anglicanism I reject it.
Read the rest here ... and do keep our Executive Council meeting next week in New Jersey in your prayers!

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