Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day of Spirituality in Rehoboth Beach

On June 2, a "Day of Spirituality" for the local gay and lesbian community was held at All Saints', located in Rehoboth Beach.

The event began with guest speaker and moderator Rev. Dr. Richard P. Smiraglia and also featured a special service of meditation, music and communion.

According to staff writer for The Daily Times, Daiel Divilio,"It was a day for spritiual reflection and a discussion of the discord within the Episcopal Church and its other affiliates."

During a round of introductions, many of the day's attendees spoke of the friendly inclusion they have found with All Saints Parish.

Non-parishioners attending the event said they came out of curiosity -- looking for a church that would welcome them as they are.

Spiritual direction

As part of Smiraglia's appearance at All Saints, he led a session of spiritual direction with the attendees.

"Spiritual direction is a little bit like counseling except without the psycho-babble," Smiraglia said.

He started it with having everyone close their eyes and reflect inwardly, then opening the floor up for people to talk about their experiences and their spiritual journeys.

Some spoke fondly of their religious affiliations and coming to Rehoboth Beach. Others spoke about the difficulties finding acceptance because of being gay or lesbian.

One woman spoke about how isolated she, as a lesbian, felt while growing up Catholic and living in small town. She said she came to the Day of Spirituality in part looking for a Church that would accept her as she is.

Read the rest HERE

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