Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pray for Davis Mac-Iyalla's Family

Earlier today Father Jake posted the following on this blog...

Davis Mac-Iyalla, Director of Changing Attitude, Nigeria, has recently received some disturbing news.

Gun men invaded his family house in Nigeria and started shooting. They killed 20 people. The family was gathered for the swearing in ceremony for one of his brothers. He had just been appointed as Commissioner by the Rivers State Governor.

His mother was shot in the leg and is still in the local hospital. His cousin Opali was killed. Davis' brother, who was the main target, managed to escape.
Father Jake obtained this information from Josh Thomas (organizer of Davis' recent US speaking tour), who in turn obtained it from Colin Coward (Director of Changing Attitude UK).

Davis is currently in the UK and was not with his family at the time of the attack.

Details are sketchy as this point, but Father Jake later added this information from Josh...

Other new commissioners (members of the new governor's cabinet) in Rivers State were also targeted, not just the Iyallas. Several other people were also killed.

This appears to be the work of anti-government gangs. Rivers State is oil-rich and very violent.

Prayers, of course, are much needed. Davis is very close to his mother.

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