Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Fresh From ACN Confab: "And They Morph Again"

Just returned from the just-concluded meeting of the Anglican Communion Network, Katie Sherrod shares the following on her blog

“If only.”

These slightly petulant words seemed the leitmotif of the July 30-31 meeting of the Anglican Communion Network.

If only the Archbishop of Canterbury had spoken even one encouraging word about the Network, it would be so much bigger than it is now.

If only some of the Network’s biggest financial supporters weren’t tied up in their own legal battles as they tried to take property out of The Episcopal Church, the Network wouldn’t be facing financial “challenges.”

If only other bishops had spoken up in support of the Network bishops.

If only all the other splinter groups didn’t see themselves as the body into which all the other “orthodox” would come, the Network could have served as that body.

The glass is clearly half empty for the Network.

Read it all here.

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