Thursday, August 2, 2007

Bay Windows on Lambda Legal Award

Bay Windows reports on President Susan Russell's award from Lambda Legal.

An excerpt:

Considering all of this you’d think that educated clergy such as the Episcopal Church of America’s Presiding Bishop, the Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori — a scientist by training, no less — would stand resolutely against those in her church who are using the Bible to foster ignorance. After all, it was Jefferts Schori who said June 8 on PBS’s Bill Moyers Journal that this is not the first time bigots have roiled her church. “When I look at other instances in church history, when we’ve been faced with something similar — the history in this country over the — over slavery,” she said. “The church in the north, much of it came to a different conclusion than the church in the south — about the morality of slavery. And neither side was comfortable with the breadth of understanding that could include the other.”

The difference between now and then, of course, is that her church didn’t disown abolitionism during the Civil War, but continues, in part, to appease anti-LGBT forces in today’s church.

Part of me is happy that Lambda has chosen to support Integrity, but I wonder if it’s worth it for any of us to continue to be a part of institutions whose leaders cannot muster the courage to just say no to hatred.

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