Wednesday, August 1, 2007

First "Gay" Christian Poetry Anthology Scheduled for Jan. 2008, Seeking Submissions

August 1, 2007

Contact: Sanctified Anthology

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – This month announced the production of SANCTIFIED, the world’s first LGBT Christian Poetry Anthology. The first SANCTIFIED anthology is scheduled to be released January 2008 and will feature poetry from numerous lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Christians from around the world.

Chief Editor, Justin R. Cannon, hopes this will be an annual project. Cannon was the founder of Earlham College’s poetry appreciation group—Poetheads Anonymous—and brings with him vast experience in the LGBT Christian community. Cannon explains, "I am excited about this project because our voices need to be heard not only within Church councils, meetings, and in the courtroom, but also in the literary arena—we are queer, we are Christian, and we have gifts to share with the world." is currently accepting submissions from both LGBT Christians and straight allies. All styles and subjects of poetry are acceptable, with no limit to the number of words or lines per poem. Submissions can be made online through an authorized email address dedicated to submissions that can be requested online at

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