Monday, October 6, 2008

Santa Clarita to discuss gay marriage

By Melissa Gasca
Santa Clarity Signal
Posted: Oct. 3, 2008 9:37 p.m.

Local religious leaders will discuss the issue of same-sex marriage at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Monday.

The Santa Clarita Interfaith Council will host a community forum titled "Same-Sex Marriage, Proposition 8: Where Religion and Politics Intersect."

This is an important issue for the religious community, said the Rev. Canon Lynn Jay of St. Stephen's Church on Orchard Village Road. Issues of religion like this need to have open discussion, she said.
Many lines used to undermine same-sex marriage come from our bible, the Torah, but it depends on how people understand the biblical text, said Temple Bath Ami's Rabbi Mark Blazer said.
Proposition 8 is a constitutional amendment on the Nov. 4 ballot that seeks to overturn a state Supreme Court ruling earlier this year allowing same-sex marriage.

The discussion will feature two main speakers who will present opposing views of same-sex marriage and the proposition.

The presenters

Mark Saucy, professor of systematic theology at Biola University will speak in favor of Prop. 8. Susan Russell of All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena will speak against the proposition. Following the main speakers, four local religious leaders, two from each side of the issue, will respond to the main speakers and then open up a question-and-answer session to the audience.

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