Monday, October 6, 2008

Episcopal Group Vows to Help Return Pittsburgh Diocese to Health

6393 Penn Avenue, PMB 207
Pittsburgh, PA 15206-4010


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - October 4, 2008 - Reacting to the vote by the
convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh to "realign," Progressive
Episcopalians of Pittsburgh (PEP) has vowed to work with all members of the
diocese who remain in The Episcopal Church to return the diocese to health.

PEP is a group of clergy and lay members of the Pittsburgh diocese that was
formed early in 2003 in response to the realization that Bishop Robert
Duncan and other diocesan leaders were intent on extinguishing moderate and
progressive voices both within the diocese and in the wider church. This
became apparent in a divisive resolution passed at the 2002 diocesan
convention in anticipation of the 2003 General Convention. PEP supports
unity in a diverse Episcopal Church.

Read the rest at!

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