Monday, October 6, 2008

Uganda Minister: Gay Acceptance Is 'An Attempt To End Civilization' | On Top Magazine

By On Top Magazine Staff
Published: October 05, 2008

Uganda's controversial ethics and integrity minister is calling for stricter laws to prosecute gays and lesbians in that country, reports Agence France-Presse.

"Who's going to occupy Uganda 20 years from now if we all become homosexuals,” James Nsaba Buturo said at a press conference. “We know that homosexuals don't reproduce."

"There is now a globalization of homosexuality and people in Uganda are attempting to take advantage of the globalization. It is an attempt to end civilization. It is that serious."

Gays and lesbians are banned by the constitution in the landlocked country. Offenders may be sentenced to life in prison, but rarely is such a punishment implemented.

Buturo called for additional anti-gay legislation, saying the government needed to act quickly and aggressively to wipe out gays in Uganda. Being gay is viewed as an imported lifestyle in the country of 30 million.


The minister is a devout member of the Church of Uganda, part of the Anglican Communion that has threatened schism with the Episcopal Church over the consecration of an openly gay bishop, Gene Robinson of New Hampshire.

Click here to read the entire article!

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