Saturday, February 7, 2009

Called to Life: Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth Reorganizes

Episcopal News Service
February 7, 2009

About 400 delegates and overflow visitors who filled the 116-year-old Trinity Church and its parish hall on Fort Worth's south side for a February 7 special organizing convention celebrated being "called to life" anew and getting back to the business of being the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth.

About 19 clergy and 62 lay delegates representing 31 congregations unanimously elected the Rt. Rev. Edwin "Ted" Gulick, bishop of Kentucky, as provisional bishop by a voice vote in clergy and lay orders. Gulick, who will serve as provisional bishop until at least mid-year while continuing to serve the Diocese of Kentucky, received a standing ovation and sustained applause.

"I cannot tell you how moved I am by your trust and how awed I am by this responsibility," Gulick told the gathering. He offered thanks to Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, as well as to the people of the Diocese of Kentucky.

Jefferts Schori, in her first visit to the diocese as Presiding Bishop, convened the afternoon convention meeting after preaching at a rousing 10 a.m. Eucharist at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. Immediately after the vote, she installed and seated Gulick as provisional bishop and left the podium to a standing ovation and a long round of applause.

Despite difficult times, delegates look to future in hope.

Dr. Walt Cabe, a co-chair of the Steering Committee North Texas Episcopalians, said the diocese is moving forward in hope despite a difficult legacy. "There was an incredible outpouring of joy and uniform enthusiasm," he said of the day's events. "For all of us on the steering committee it is very gratifying to see the breadth of involvement and support that has already taken hold here."

Delegates and visitors filled the 350-seat Trinity Church for the convention, themed "Called to Life: I am the Resurrection and the Life", the first such meeting since a November 15, 2008 gathering split the traditionally conservative diocese.

Read the full story here.


  1. It was, indeed, an exciting day. To sit among the assembly and share the energy of the Spirit wisping around, to experience moments of laughter and reflection, to realize that the time has begun to start anew - it was really a lot to take in. The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth lives on!

  2. BTW...thanks to whomever provided the live webcast...I was in a small village in Central America viewing the whole happy thing!


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