Saturday, February 7, 2009

Weekly Witness For 7 February 2009

Integrity InfoLetter In The Mail

The next issue of the Integrity InfoLetter is in the mail. All members and partners whose dues are current should receive a paper copy via post within the next week. Click here for the PDF version. This issue contains...
First Edition Of Integrity Briefings

A brand-new publication--Integrity Briefings--will be mailed to all Proud Parish Partners [P3] and major donors next week. This edition reviews the recent past and previews the near future. It also includes a testimonial from the Rev. Elizabeth Maxwell about why here parish--Church of the Holy Apostles in New York City--has been a major contributor to Integrity for several years. And finally, it describes the front-line witness of Integrity/Pittsburgh as that diocese reorganizes.
Click here to read the PDF. Thanks to Volunteer Coordinator Neil Houghton for assembling this issue!

Episcopal Life Ad

The Feburary edition of Episcopal Life contains the first of six ads from Integrity laying the groundwork for General Convention. The ad explains why the Episcopal Church should move beyond the de facto moratorium on additional LGBT bishops enacted by General Convention 2006. The March ad will encourage the Episcopal Church to move forward on marriage equality.

Video Filming Starts

Production began this week on two short videos--about consecrating LGBT bishops and blessing same-gender couples. Our crew--which includes writer Katie Sherrod, videographer Cynthia Black, director Louise Brooks, and project manager Jan Adams--took advantage of the Episcopal Urban Caucus' annual assembly in Mobile, Alabama, to interview well-known and not-so-well known Episcopalians on these issues.
The videos will eventually be mailed to all bishops and deputies before General Convention. They will also be available on the Web so that our members and friends can promote it virally.
Filming continues next week in Chicago.
Photo: Videographer Cynthia Black wires Integrity Past President Michael Hopkins before inteviewing him about marriage equality. Credit: Jan Adams.
Last Chance To Vote On Bylaw Amendments!

On December 15th an electronic referendum began on proposed amendments to Integrity's national bylaws. If approved, these changes will significantly alter the structure of the board of directors and add a "stakeholders" council." Visit to learn more what what is being modified and why.

To date, only about 16% of eligible members have cast their ballot. We need your vote! Polls close on February 15th.

If your membership dues were current as of November 25th, you should have received voting instructions by email or postcard. If you believe you are eligible to vote but did not receive voting instructions, please contact John Clinton Bradley at

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