Monday, March 9, 2009

Episcopal Clergy Overwhelmingly Support Marriage Equality

Last Friday, leading researchers on religion and politics today released the results of an in‐depth survey of Mainline Protestant clergy political engagement during the 2008 election season, attitudes on social and economic issues, and the public role of the church. The Mainline Protestant Clergy Voices Survey (CVS), conducted by Public Religion Research, is the largest survey of mainline clergy in seven years, and the broadest ever in scope.

The most significant finding for LGBT Episcopalians and their allies is that 49% of Episcopal clergy believe that same-gender couples should be allowed to marry, and another 38% believe same-gender couples should be allowed civil unions.

More than three quarters of Episcopal clergy also support adoption by same-gender couples, ENDA, and anti-hate crime laws.

More detailed results on LGBT issues will be released in May.

To read the press release, click here.
To read the full report, click here. See especially pages 25-26.
To read the topline survey results, click here.
To read ENS' story about the results, click here.

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