Monday, March 9, 2009

Supporters remain hopeful civil unions bill will pass

More than 200 rally at the Capitol, with unions and religious groups also in support

by Rob Shikina
Honolulu Star Bulletin
POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Mar 08, 2009

Supporters of civil unions in Hawaii vow to return to the Capitol every year until the state legalizes same-sex partnerships.

Their promises came yesterday at a candlelight vigil in support of House Bill 444, which would legalize civil unions and give the same legal rights for married couples to couples of the same sex.

The bill stalled in a Senate committee last month.


"I would love to see the religion taken out of the argument for a change," said Father Richard Shields of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii.

He added that members of religious groups opposed to same-sex partnerships should not just listen to their leaders, but read the Bible themselves.

"Go through the Bible, sit down and read what Jesus said," he said. "They preach love and they live out hate. I think they're being very disingenuous."





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