Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Gay Rights Organization for West Virginia

West Virginia Public Broadcasting is reporting...

Fairness West Virginia is dedicated to ensuring gays and lesbians are treated equally, and has launched a campaign to sign up 1,000 supporters in 20 days.

“The rate that we are gathering supporters is unbelievable,” said Stephen Skinner, a lawyer from the state’s Eastern Panhandle.

“And they’re from all over West Virginia and I don’t know whether they are gay or lesbian or straight or the parents or the brother or the sister, but they’re there. And they’re ready to be heard this year,” he said.

Skinner says Fairness West Virginia’s primary goal is getting sexual orientation added to the state’s human right’s act. Skinner says currently employers can fire people just because they are gay or lesbian.

Read more here.

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