Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sen. Saxby Chambliss On Hate Crimes

 Below is what Sen. Saxby Chambliss thinks about federal hate crime legislation.  If you are in Georgia and are so inclined, I urge you to write Senator Chambliss your own thoughts on the matter.  If you are not in Georgia, please consider writing your representative(s) to urge passage of federal hate crime legislation.  For some background on this leglislation, check out
Gretchen R. Chateau
Integrity Member
Member of GALAS Steering Committee (Gays and Lesbians at All Saints'), All Saints' Episcopal Church, Atlanta, Georgia

Subject: Responding to your message
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 09:26:49 -0400


Dear Ms. Chateau:


Thank you for contacting me regarding your thoughts on hate crime legislation.  I appreciate hearing your concerns on this matter.


  There is little evidence that indicates that violent crimes motivated by "hate" go unpunished in the United States.  Most states already have criminal laws that prohibit the anti-social behavior addressed by hate crime legislation - including laws against murder, rape, arson, assault, and battery. 


  I oppose the creation of Federal hate crime legislation for a variety of reasons.  First, I do not believe the Federal government should interfere with the criminal laws already on the books in our states.  Second, many hate crime bills attempt to establish a "protected class" of crime victims who would receive special protection under the law.  And finally, we already have laws to prosecute individuals who commit violent crimes.  Those people guilty of violent crimes against anyone should be prosecuted under existing law.


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