Friday, April 3, 2009

Integrity Commends Iowa Supreme Court [UPDATED]

April 3, 2009

ROCHESTER, NY--Integrity USA applauds the Iowa Supreme Courts' ruling today that the state's same-sex marriage ban violates the constitutional rights of gay and lesbian couples.

"Iowa is now the third state where same-gender couples can marry," said Integrity President Susan Russell, "and the legislature of Vermont last night sent a bill to the governor that will do the same the same in that state. Convinced that civil marriage equality for same-gender couples is the wave of the future, Integrity calls on the Episcopal Church be on the right side of history by moving forward on ecclesiastical marriage equality during General Convention in Anaheim this July."

At least six dioceses have submitted resolutions to General Convention supporting marriage equality. "Integrity encourages all concerned Episcopalians to contact their bishops and General Convention deputies and dialogue with them about marriage equality as they prepare for Anaheim," added John Clinton Bradley, Integrity's Acting Executive Director.

Visit for more information.

Press Contact:
The Rev. Susan Russell, President
(626) 583-2741 office
(714) 356-5718 mobile

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