Thursday, April 2, 2009

Western New York On B033

Standing Committee Acknowledges Authority of General Convention

In the charge delivered to the Search Committee at the retreat held on March 27-28, the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Western New York acknowledged the authority of the General Convention by charging to Search Committee "to honor the mind of The Episcopal Church regarding acceptable candidates for the Episcopate as expressed through the General Convention."

At issue is Resolution B-033 which was passed at the last General Convention in 2006 which states:

Resolved, That the 75th General Convention receive and embrace The Windsor Report's invitation to engage in a process of healing and reconciliation; and be it furtherResolved, That this Convention therefore call upon Standing Committees and bishops with jurisdiction to exercise restraint by not consenting to the consecration of any candidate to the episcopate whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church and will lead to further strains on communion.

However, in light of the theology shared by the Episcopal Church with the Anglican Communion in To Set Our Hope on Christ, The Standing Committee also adopted the following position:

The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Western New York strongly recommends to the Deputation of the Diocese that the Deputation should work for or support efforts at the 2009 General Convention to rescind resolution B-033 of the General Convention of 2006.

The Standing Committee offers its continued prayers for reconciliation in both The Episcopal Church and The Anglican Communion over issues of human sexuality.

Click here for source article.

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