Wednesday, July 8, 2009

At Last! Day One is here!

Friends, the plane is finally taking off: this morning is the official start of the 76th General Convention of The Episcopal Church. (whew!)

Here is a brief look at what we will be looking at today:

The Archbishop of Canterbury has been sighted, and we’re looking forward to hearing about his Listening Process meeting with a group of LGBT deputies this afternoon. (It’s a pity that we can’t all go, but conversation is easier in a small group).

In the meantime the legislative committees are well underway. This afternoon two hours have been set aside for a hearing on B012 – that’s a resolution put together by bishops whose dioceses are in states where marriage is legal for both same-gender and heterosexual couples. Of course, we will be there and will bring you a full report later.

Also this evening the World Mission committee will be hearing some trans-inclusive resolutions:
1) C048, originating from the Diocese of Michigan
2) D012, lead sponsor Byron Rushing of the Diocese of Massachusetts (cosponsored by Sarah Lawton of the Diocese of California and Dee Tavolaro of the Diocese of Rhode Island)

It’s great to have so many people here this year from the transgender community.

That’s it for now--we’re off to the opening Eucharist…

1 comment:

  1. Actually tonight, World Missions is hearing transinclusive resolutions at 7 pm in Huntington AB.

    The one from Byron Rushing, Dee Tavalaro and Sarah Lawton is D012 and is in a different committee, National and International Concerns. As I write this, its hearing is not scheduled.

    Things change, fast and furiously ...


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