Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Join Integrity USA in a colorful celebration of God's inclusive love!

If you're here in Anaheim, we have a t-shirt and witness opportunity for you, our friends, fans and allies. They'll be available -- on a first come, first served basis -- at the Integrity Booth (under the Consultation banner) and in the All Saints, Pasadena booth (#100-102) on Wednesday beginning at noon.There are only 500 t-shirts, so get them quick.

We are inviting you to do four easy things:

1. Help spread the word to other friends and allies.

2. Stop by -- pick yours up -- ($5 suggested donation).

3. Wear your shirt to the 11:30 a.m. Eucharist on Thursday morning – please help by keeping yours “under wraps” until then.

4. After we make our colorful witness at the 11:30 service, please join us for a brief “photo op” out in front of the Convention Center immediately following the service.

Here We Are: Send US!


  1. It is my hope that if there are extras we will be able to purchase them from Integrity after the GC.

  2. Hopefully--there will be no extras. This is one HOT item!

  3. It would be nice to see 500 tee shirt clad people AND be able to purchase a shirt. Maybe you will make some more?

  4. I agree with John and Thomas! Otherwise it will create a great deal of t-shirt envy...and you know how bad that is!!!!!!

  5. Oh, I do hope they are all sold and worn with pride -- but I DO want one!

  6. Thats great to find all such great collection under a same roof but still I coudnt get one for me.


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