Monday, July 13, 2009

Can we still be friends?

All the sacraments for all the baptized means exactly what it says. Integrity wants a church where all shades of opinion are represented and are in conversation. We don’t want opening the door to the full inclusion of LGBT to mean slamming the door in someone else’s face.

Having said that, we also acknowledge that there are those who are so convinced that a partnered gay person cannot by definition also be a Christian in a state of grace, that they believe the Episcopal Church is embracing a heresy. On the basis of their conscience they may make the choice to leave. While that is quite understandable – we have had the experience of many LGBT people leaving the Episcopal Church over the past decades as they can no longer remain in a church that fails to welcome all - it’s important to emphasize that this is NOT what Integrity wants.

We are willing to be friends with anyone who is open to being friends.


  1. If only those who believe in Scriptural proscriptions against homosexuality would embrace the Anglican way - all they need to do is acknowledge that theirs is NOT the only way to interpret Holy Scripture, and they could find their way to staying friends. I pray that I might grow in love for those who vilify me as a gay Christian - it is not easy for me to "love my enemy".

  2. This is perfect! I have added this to the Integrity Fort Worth website!

  3. GREAT !!! Enough of this, already. Either we follow the inclusive example of Jesus Christ, or we don't. We're just asking to be allowed equal rights in churches that already welcome us. In a few years, the people who are trying to stand in our way will be all full of "I was misguided at the time". We don't have time for such nonsense anymore. Either the Episcopal Church does the right thing, or witnesses the mass exodus of many soulful Christians who are fed up with cowards who don't even hear the cock crowing.


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