Monday, July 13, 2009

Standing Room Only

The House of Bishop’s press gallery had standing room only and the (large) guest area was full this afternoon as word spread that both D025 AND C056 had appeared on the Supplemental Calendar for the afternoon. D025 passed the House of Deputies yesterday and emphasizes the availability of all orders of the Church to all the baptized using our normal discernment process. (The Archbishop of Canterbury this morning signaled his displeasure in his response to a question from arch-conservative Chris Sugden.) C056 only came out of the Prayer Book Liturgy and Music Committee this morning, but it’s come to the HOB already – it covers blessings for marriages and unions of same gender couples.

The recommendation was NOT to concur with the House of Deputies. The Bishop of Chicago asked for time for table conversations and that was unanimously agreed. The bishops are now in conversation, more later.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. I wish I didn't have this pit of my stomach feeling...Quite a lot of buildup just to let us all down - again. I hope that's not the case.


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