Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Call for Prayers: Trial today over the ordination of Presbyterian Lisa Larges

The National Board of Directors and staff of More Light Presbyterians stand in solidarity with Lisa Larges and wholeheartedly support her gifts, preparation and call to ministry. Lisa serves as Minister Coordinator, That All May Freely Serve and her home congregation is Noe Valley Ministry, a welcoming and affirming More Light Presbyterian church in San Francisco, CA. Rev. Keenan C. Kelsey serves as pastor at Noe Valley Ministry.

Lisa has been seeking to be ordained since 1986. In 2009, the Presbytery of San Francisco approved Lisa for ordination and TAMFS as a validated ministry. However, an anti-LGBT minority continue to oppose Lisa's ordination and filed remedial charges against the presbytery. Their action has prevented Lisa's ordination. It has not stopped her ministry of love, justice and reconciliation.

The trial is today, 9 AM to 5 PM, at the Park Plaza Hotel, 150 Heggenberger Road, Oakland, CA. This trial about the Presbytery of San Francisco's approval of Lisa for ordination is Remedial Case 09-04: Parnell et. al. vs. Presbytery of San Francisco.

"Lisa has had the integrity to integrate her sexuality and her spirituality since she embarked upon adult life. She was clear to her original ordination committee twenty years ago that she is a lesbian and a Presbyterian convinced of God’s call to her to the office of Minister of Word and Sacrament. She said the same thing to the San Francisco Presbytery last year and now the presbytery must defend its vote to approve her call to ordained office in the Presbyterian judicial system," said Rev. Janet Edwards, Co-Moderator, More Light Presbyterians.

Michael J. Adee, Executive Director & Field Organizer said, "It is absolutely inconceivable how anyone who has met Lisa could fail to recognize her heart and gifts for ministry. Our hurting world needs as many loving, caring and faithful pastors as possible. In July, the 219th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) affirmed one ordination standard for all Presbyterians in Minneapolis. The time for discrimination is over, the time for embracing qualified LGBT persons for ordination has come. We look forward to celebrating Lisa's ordination."

We hope and pray that the Permanent Judicial Commission of the Presbytery of San Francisco will uphold the presbytery's decision in 2009 that approved Lisa for ordination. We call upon all Presbyterians to join us in prayer for Lisa, her family, her Noe Valley Ministry church family and for this commission. May the Presbyterian Church (USA) reflect the heart of God.

For news & updates on the trial go to and More Light Presbyterians on Facebook & twitter.

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