Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Intergity USA Disappointed in "No Vote" on Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT)

"The time to repeal DADT is long overdue. The U.S. Senate's decision 'not to vote' on a military bill that would allow the repeal of DADT is a great disappointment to Integrity USA and all Americans who support equality and justice for all," said Max Niedzwicki, Executive Director of Integrity USA. "It denies gay Americans the right to serve their country because of who they are. The time to end discrimination is now. We call for our elected officials to quit playing politics with the lives of the LGBT community."

Inetgrity's past president, the Rev. Canon Susan Russell, a priest at All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California, has a son on active duty in the military. She had this to say: "As a mother of a son in the US Army, I'm deeply saddened the vote to end DADT failed today. We have lost over 14,0000 members of the military due to DADT. I want my son to have the best possible colleagues in the work of defending this great country, regardless of their sexual orientation."

The Rev. Canon Albert Ogle, Integrity's Vice President of National Affairs said, "As a priest and pastor, I believe in respecting the dignity of every human being. DADT does not do that. We must pass legislation which will make our military more inclusive by allowing gay and lesbian soldiers to serve honestly and with integrity."

Call or write your senator today and request he or she vote to repeal DADT.

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