Friday, April 27, 2012

Integrity joins in call to prayer for Bishop of Los Angeles

Integrity joins with those across the Episcopal Church and beyond in the call for prayers for +Jon Bruno -- Bishop of Los Angeles -- who announced that he is entering treatment for leukemia.

In the email message send to his diocese late yesterday, Bishop Bruno shared:
"Having had what I thought was a bout of pneumonia since the House of Bishops last met in March, I have gone back into the hospital to determine what this nagging problem has been … and I will start immediately to begin aggressive treatment for Acute Monocytic Leukemia (AML M5)."
The full statement is available on the Diocese of Los Angeles website.

Please do keep Bishop Bruno; his wife Mary and their family; the Diocese of Los Angeles -- especially bishops suffragan Diane Bruce and Mary Glasspool; and his doctors in your prayers during this difficult time. Give thanks for his prophetic witness to the full inclusion and full equality for LGBT people everywhere. And pray that he might be restored to a place of wholeness in body, soul, mind and spirit through the healing power of God's grace and love.

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