Saturday, March 24, 2007

Nigerian Legislation Delayed

From Jim Naughton at Daily Episcopalian
March 24, 2007

A hopeful delay in Nigeria?

Colin Coward of Changing Attitude emailed me this morning to say that the Nigerian legislature did not consider the hateful anti-gay legislation being supported by Archbishop Peter Akinola and the Church of Nigeria before adjourning yesterday. The legislature as currently composed does not reconvene until May, after the general election, and then only for one week.

If the bill doesn't pass in May, it can be reintroduced in a future session, but people who have been monitoring the situation for various human rights organizations have suggested that the election may alter political dynamics enough to make passage of the bill in its current form less likely.

In an earlier note a commenter writes:
Perhaps you could organize your people to email and/or write the Archbishop of Canterbury. His press secretary's email is:

Here is what I wrote:

Dear Archbishop Williams:

I am very disappointed that your office has not spoken out against the Nigerian legislation currently supported by Archbishop Akinola regarding freedom of assembly and homosexuals. This legislation totally contravenes Lambeth 1.10 and safety for homosexual persons. I hope you will use your position in the World Wide Anglican Communion to advocate for those who are in danger of prison and worse due to these proposed laws.

Thank you.

The Rev. Ann Fontaine

1 comment:

W said...

I was the commenter who gave the ABC's press secretary's email. The Archbishop's website lists phone and fax numbers, but no email address. I called to comment that ++Rowan should consider speaking out about the legislation, and ended up speaking to Mr Jennings.

I did not ask and he did not say if I could disseminate his email address. If the answer was no, I'll apologize. However, there is no convenient way to contact ++Rowan. I wish he would make himself more available, and at least post an email address which his people screen for malicious comments. He has an international role as Archbishop of Canterbury. By not posting an email address, one might think that he is trying to insulate himself from feedback. It certainly doesn't look very good for him. Nonetheless, emailed statements are stronger when backed up by words, and I hope people will write or call.