The Rev. Canon Malcolm Boyd's writings have been read by tens of thousands of people. 2008 marks the 85th birthday of this man who has worked much of his life to promote faith and understanding.
White Crane Books proudly announces its latest inspirational release: A Prophet in His Own Land: A Malcolm Boyd Reader, a compendium of five decades of his essays, poetry, prayers and interviews on faith & social justice.
Never before has such a wide-ranging collection of the Rev. Canon Boyd's writings been assembled under one cover. This book offers the gamut of the man's heart, mind and soul to first time readers or long time readers alike. With thirty books written and/or edited to his credit, this is the first to offer the true measure of the man.
Edited by Bo Young and Dan Vera, editors of White Crane, the collection begins with the first writings Boyd produced, reflecting presciently on his insider's knowledge and experience in the motion picture business and the American culture machine and span his coffeehouse years with comedian Dick Gregory and the early involvement as a Freedom Marcher with Dr. Martin Luther King.
Whether you a clergy and seek inspiration for your latest sermon, a librarian seeking a valued addition to your current collection on religion and social justice, or a theologian interested in addressing many of the issues facing faith in the 20th and 21st century, this book offers a wealth of inspiration.
Click here to order a copy via Integrity's Amazon portal!
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