In January we launched the Anaheim Appeal, a campaign to support Integrity's witness during General Convention this summer. Our goal is to raise enough funds to underwrite 30 volunteers for 2 weeks. Based on prior experience, we estimate our expenses will total about $80,000. Click here for details.
I am very pleased to inform you that, as of today, we have received a total of $27,000. We are a third of the way there!
I am also proud to report that our new video "Marching to Anaheim" is finished. In this 9-minute production, President Susan Russell explains our goals for General Convention 2009 in Anaheim, California, and encourages donations to our Anaheim Appeal. Watch it online here...
...or at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNYUu2feet4.
Please share this video with your friends and fellow parishioners--and encourage them to support this crucial effort.
You might also consider holding a "screening party" in your home or parish. Please contact me if you would like a supply of contribution packets for your guests.
If you have already contributed, THANK YOU! If you have not yet given, please GIVE NOW by clicking here and designating your contribution for the "Anaheim Appeal." Making a secure, online donation using your debit or credit card will help us keep costs as low as possible.
If you prefer, you can donate by mailing a check--made payable to "Integrity" and with "Anaheim Appeal" in the memo line--to...
Integrity USA Anaheim Appeal
274 N Goodman St #B267
Rochester NY 14607
274 N Goodman St #B267
Rochester NY 14607
Thanks for helping make all the sacraments of the Episcopal Church available to all the baptized.
R. Bruce Colburn
Development Coordinator
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