Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ENS | 'Mutual respect' marks bishops' deliberations

Response to Primates can be 'gracious, not reactive'
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Episcopal Church's House of Bishops on March 19 considered the proposed Anglican Covenant and the recent Primates' Communiqué in "a spirit of mutual respect," said Virginia's Bishop Peter Lee, media briefing officer for the day's sessions.

"There has been a spirit of mutual respect in the House especially as we dealt with the Covenant and the Communiqué," Lee said after the agenda's conclusion at 9 p.m.

"There are strongly held views, but also a desire to listen carefully to one another, to the wider Communion, and to our gay and lesbian members.

"I want to follow the direction that our Presiding Bishop has offered in terms of being gracious, generous and adaptive in response to the Primates, not reactive."

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